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subject: 4 Tips for effectively using free ads for your business [print this page]

These days there are several web portals online which acts as a platform for providing free ads facility. Such websites take

the responsibility of uplifting the sale of a product or service through free ads. In this competitive web world,

advertisements play an important role in gaining visibility of your product or services among people. However, since small

businesses cannot spend huge amounts on advertising, such entrepreneurs can use the free ads facility method. However, you

need to consider certain basic tips while using free ads. They are as follows:

1) Know the right time to post your ads:

Whenever you post your free ads on the concerned site, ensure that you are doing it on a constant basis. However, in order to

post your ads in an effective manner, find out the best time for posting your ads. You can do this by knowing the exact

traffic hits in a day from various time zones. Based on this statistics, you can start hosting at the right time to get

effective results.

2) Know the right place for posting your ads:

Usually classifieds sites already have categories for posting. Hence, you can choose your desired category, while posting

your ads. However, you must test the effectiveness of your ads by knowing which category can give you the necessary traffic.

You need to also know the other aspects of improving the effectiveness of your ads.

3) Use the right keywords:

These days, you can easily find a lot of online classified sites that provide the option of placing free ads. However, before

you go ahead with your ads, you must ensure that your ads consist of proper set of keywords. Usually, people search for

online specific products on the basis of their own keywords that they place in the search engine field box. Based on the

results that they get, they then start accessing the websites that appear on the first page of search engine. Hence, you

should use effective keywords, in order to allow your site to be reachable to your targeted online visitors.

4) Keep a watch on your ads:

It is essential to place your ads in the right way. However, it is equally important to keep a track of your ads that you

have posted. You can make use of a tracking code that will allow you to identify your traffic statistics. On the basis of

your traffic statistics, find out the traffic of those ads that bring good results, compared to other ads of yours. You can

then make some changes in those ads that are performing low and then expect them to work effectively

There are many blogs which also act as a free space for advertising. Blogs are becoming more and more popular in the web

world. They are also loved by search engines. Just one free ad on a blog, can invite lots of readers. Thus, you can end up

bringing in more visibility to the ad.

Free ads cannot be underestimated. In fact, there are lots of people who are already making good business by posting their

ads online for free. Thus, I now conclude this article by stating that free ads can be considered as a powerful tool for

promoting your business activity.

4 Tips for effectively using free ads for your business

By: Alex Wu

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