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subject: Breast Massage For Enlargement [print this page]

There are many ways that can help increase breast size. Implants have been the preferred method because, it provides immediate results. However, implants are not the safest option and a lot can go wrong during the surgery. It is for this reason that other safer alternatives are being sought. Among the alternatives already being used with good results are herbal supplements and introduction of particular foods in the diet.

Massage is another alternative. The alternatives to implant surgery have proved effective to women seeking bigger bust sizes. However, one needs to be patient as the results can only be observed after some time. Breast massage has been used for a very long time in Asian countries and has only gained popularity in the western world in the last couple of years. Not only does massage aid in enlargement and enhancement of the breast size, it is also used for health purposes. Massage helps aid circulation of blood and also in preventing the buildup of toxins through drainage of the lymphatic system. Massaging will also keep you in touch with changes that you would not have noticed otherwise. Such changes include development of a lump which could be an early warning sign of cancer.

Massage can be done by oneself or by a professional masseuse. In either case, it is important to note that, you need to be as gentle as possible to avoid damage to the tissues. In addition, you need to note that, a vigorous massage will not bring any results faster. However, using the correct technique of massage, you need to be consistent in order to get the desired results. A massage should be done regularly, preferably after bathing. The massage should be done using a lubricant or recommended growth enhancement cream. This will help reduce friction and help maximize the benefits of the massage.

When massaging, you should work with circular motions in a clockwise manner. Ensure that you cover the entire surface of the breast and you can also massage the area near the armpits. The massage should be done for at least three to five minutes every day. The more times you massage in a day, the greater the benefits will be. Massage is one of the cheapest ways of ensuring that you have a fuller, larger and lifted bust line. In addition, instead of using expensive enhancement creams, you could choose to use coconut oil which is much cheaper.

Breast Massage For Enlargement

By: Peter Gitundu

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