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subject: The upmarket floor look- How the top retailers keep their shops gleaming [print this page]

The upmarket floor look- How the top retailers keep their shops gleaming

At the top of the market, appearances matter, a lot. The interiors are expensive, and only the very best quality flooring is used, and kept in immaculate condition. In fact, they look so good that people often wonder how they do it. Jewelers, boutiques, high finance and other upmarket businesses always seem to look like they're still in mint condition. Even when they've been in the place for years,floor polishing always gleams, carpets always look new.

Secrets of success- A great looking floor on a good cost base

There's a good reason for all this apparent perfection. For upmarket businesses, particularly those with a lot of floor space, the alternatives to perfection are extremely expensive. Cheaper materials do in fact fall to pieces over time. Low grade carpets, tiles and other types of flooring are only cheap for suppliers, not their customers.

Replacement isn't cheap, however, and can be highly disruptive to business, adding more costs.

The upmarket businesses use the best flooring materials with good reason. In terms of value for money the best flooring is in a league of its own for cost-effectiveness. The very durable types of top quality flooring are long-lived, and they can be maintained properly. They don't easily fall to pieces, and their maintenance, which is much less frequently required, actually works out as being much less expensive.

Getting the best look for your business

The upmarket, gleaming look is no coincidence. These businesses have a full management program for their premises. The entire business area is systematically maintained on a cost effective basis. That's how the dazzling upmarket shops and high end business offices stay in top condition, and they do it within budget.

Getting the upmarket look is far easier than anyone would imagine. You can do it with a phone call to a floor restoration firm. Whatever type of flooring you have, a regular restoration job will practically eliminate your maintenance costs, minimize any need for replacement, and provide a fully conditioned, properly treated, floorspace for any size area.

Floor restoration will also find and eliminate problems you may not even know you had. Things like tiles and carpets need to be checked for issues before they happen. Most damage to flooring is progressive, and if stopped early, simply doesn't become an issue. This is another area of saving, because the restoration work will target the problems, and make absolutely sure they don't develop. Even marble can be well maintained, using advancedmarble floor polishing and stone rectification techniques.

"Restoration" is no misnomer. Restoration effectively renews the flooring, which is the basis of the brand new look of the upmarket businesses. This process can be conducted regularly at a fraction of the costs of maintenance, repair, and replacement over the normal life of flooring. A single once a year restoration program will add years to the life of the floor, maintain the best appearance, and dramatically slash the building budget.

The upmarket floor look- How the top retailers keep their shops gleaming

By: Phil Dermody

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