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The Best Days To Get Pregnant With A Girl Or A Boy Baby

I often get emails asking me aboutspecifics regarding theappropriate daysto conceive a babydepending on thegenderthat you want. Some examples of specific questions that I get are things like: "what are the best days to conceive a boy?," or "on which days can I conceive a girl?" Sometimes, people are expecting me to tell them a specific day during the month like the 14th. And other times, they are looking for specific days of the week or times during the month (the first Monday or during a certain phase of the moon.) I actually had someone email me and ask "if I conceive during April, will it be a girl?"

I understand why couples have these questions. There is very little specific information out there. But, what you're actually looking for can't be predicted by someone who doesn't know your situation or when you ovulate. I can't tell you to conceive on the 14th day of the month or the 10th day of your menstrualcycle without knowingwhetheryou want a boy or a girl and the day that you ovulate. But, you have this information (or can figure it out.) So in the article below, I'll tell you how to use what you know (or can determine) to chose the best days to conceive the gender that you want.

Determining When You Really, TrulyOvulate: Probably the most important day or date for you to determine no matter which gender that you want is exactly when your egg can be fertilized. I'm not talking about when you think this happens or when your thermometer tells you this happens or when you think you may feel cramps or when your cervical mucus starts to look like egg whites. All of these methods are really just guessing and hoping for the best.

I cannot tell you how many people (myself included) assumed that they ovulated mid cycle (because that's what most of us are taught of told) only to get a decent ovulation predictor (saliva, urine, or blood) and to then find out that we actually ovulate days earlier or later. You really need hard science on your side for the kind of accuracy that you need. And, you need to test bodily fluids for this. No calendar, chart, or thermometer is as accurate as the fluids that change during the month and can be tested at several different times.
The Best Days To Get Pregnant With A Girl Or A Boy Baby

Why Accuracy Combined With TimingMatters So Much: Thisovulation miscalculation that I talked about above can make you have a boy if you're trying for a girl or vice versa. Why? Because timing is so important here. The reason behind this is the relative weakness or strength of the chromosomes of the sperm that produce either male or female babies. Those that produce males are weak. So, to get them, you need to have a late time line. This means that you want to have intercourse or sex on the day of or following your positive reading from your ovulation predictor.

But, the chromosomes that produce girls are very strong. They can wait it out, so you need an early time line with them. What this means is that if you are using a urine predictor, you will need a few months of a window to be able to see your pattern. However, if you are using saliva, this method will show you small changes in your reading that can give you a several day tip off that ovulation is coming. Once you see this, your goal is to have intercourse three days (or four maximum) before ovulation actually occurs.

Sometimes people will tell me that it seems easier to conceive a boy than a girl since with girls you really do have to predict ovulation but with boys, you only need to know that it's happened. I follow this thinking and this can be accurate, but using saliva helps.

And honestly, timing wise, conceiving a boy is easier, but there are other things to consider too. You'll also need to worry about your body's PH and acidity. For girl babies, you want a high PH or to be acidic. But for boy babies, you want a low PH or to be alkaline. Many people find ita touch easier to make yourself acidic than to make yourself alkaline, so it all evens out.

And, again, if you get the right tools, you can make the job easier. PH testers that are often found at a health food center or on the Internet can help you determine what your natural reading is and how you are trending as you change your diet and / orbegin a douching regimen.

I've put together a few websites that take a lot of the guess work out of choosing your baby's gender. You'll find step by step instructions, resources for douche recipes and food PH lists, information on when to conceive, tips, support, and examples of ovulation predictors / PH testing strips.

If you want a girl baby, check out

If you want a boy baby, check out

The Best Days To Get Pregnant With A Girl Or A Boy Baby

By: Sandy Dean

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