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subject: The Benefits Of Online Stock Tading [print this page]

The Benefits Of Online Stock Tading

The gains of online stock trading are numerous. The certainty of the matter is that online stock trading is partially beneficial because you can do it from your own home computer and make some cash off of it. A lot of elderly and disabled stock traders simply cannot get out to see a stockbroker at Edward Jones for example. The broker can be profitable with guidance and extra set of eyes on an issue, but you can't always afford the time and the effort required to go have a lengthy and analytical discussion of your portfolio with them.

You simply don't have as many extra maintaining fees with an online service as you do with your everyday stockbroker or financial analyst. The financial analyst has a right to make their money, but it is much easier on your pocket book if you are just getting a flat per trade fee with an online service. Numerous stockbrokers out there also charge you in order to close your account with them, many individuals tend to view this as some sort of parting shot. There are many online brokers who let the user close their account for free. This is a beneficial thing in my estimation because it lets individuals come and go as they please.

If you are being charged two hundred dollars just to close your account, it can make you fearful to even do so. The user should not be apprehensive to close their account at anytime due to fees and with many online brokers, you don't have to feel this way.

The most crucial for me when it comes to the conflict between online trading and the normal brokerage system is the fact that you have autonomy. You can do your own research and make your own choices without feeling pressure from another direction. Stockbrokers can not pull you in the wrong direction with online trading.

You have the ultimate veto power when it comes to working with a broker as well, but sometimes the pressure they place upon you can over whelm your better instincts. It is your money that is being dealt with and you should hold the key. You can sleep at night knowing the decisions that you made were your own and you can take complete responsibility for those decision. This does not mean that you shouldn't consult other people before making a final decision on a big stock trade, but the power truly is yours.

by: Karri Owens

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