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subject: 10 Ways To Secure Your Boat In the Hurricane Season [print this page]

10 Ways To Secure Your Boat In the Hurricane Season

Hurricane season is from June 1st to November 30th, but it peaks from late August to October. It's possible that where you live, your boating season does not suffer from any sort of extreme weather and that guarding your boat against it is not an issue that needs to be faced.

Below are some points to be acted upon in order to maintain your boat securely during really bad weather.

Make the boats profile as narrow as possible by facing the bow into the least protected direction.

Secure your boat to the sturdiest piling or something similar that you can find.

Storm mooring lines should be thicker than regular mooring lines and at least as long as the boat itself.

Liaise with other boat owners and marina management, if appropriate.

Strip down the deck so that anything which attracts wind is removed.

Avoid uneven weight distribution on the boat.

Keep moorings in ship-shape order and install a second mooring for use during a storm, securing bow pennants to your bow cleat. (The cleat is anvil shaped, allowing rope to be wound around it.)

Storm mooring lines should be thicker than regular mooring lines and at least as long as the boat itself.

Anything below deck which is likely to be thrown around needs to be removed or secured.

Installing anti-chafe gear protects dock lines and mooring pennants from excessive wear. Polyester-made material is recommended as it resists heat.

It may be of course, that you can move your boat right out of the water and into some type of shelter, like a boat house. 10' above the normal water line is best. Another point to remember is that sheltered bays are a good place to find a fairly safe mooring.

10 Ways To Secure Your Boat In the Hurricane Season

By: Doreen Murgatroyd

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