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subject: Why You Should See The Dentist Asap [print this page]

Dentists recommend that you go in for a check-up once every six months. They're not just saying this to line their pockets, either. The fact is that, even if you don't have toothaches or any other troubles, you need a regular check-up so that they can make sure your teeth are as healthy as they should be.

Tartar - The Silent Tooth Killer

We all know tartar from toothbrush commercials that advertise that their product has special tartar fighting ingredients. Tartar is black stuff that collects between your teeth and gums. Over time, it starts to separate your teeth from your gums, and this causes tooth decay. The damage done by tartar is irreversible - It means dentures!

Where does it come from? Actually, it's calcium from your saliva that's built up there. It's not from sugary foods or coffee, but from your own mouth! This is why you've always got to keep tartar in check. At first, it is a white substance, but as it builds up, it turns black.

Your dentist can remove tartar during your routine check-ups. If you haven't been to the dentist for many years, you've probably got some build-up. They can also show you more effective brushing and flossing techniques so that you can keep clean yourself.

Plaque - The Bacterial Invasion Of Your Mouth

Plaque comes from a variety of sources, including sugary and starchy foods that we eat. It is a film of sticky stuff that forms on the teeth, and it can't be seen by the naked eye. It's basically bacteria that comes from sugary foods and also your mouth's saliva. It can cause cavities, tooth decay, gum disease, and also harden into tartar.

Because plaque can't be seen, it's a little tricky to deal with it yourself. Your dentist can perform a test to see where you've got plaque, and sometimes this is the only way. For most folks who suffer from plaque build-up, there are areas of the teeth where they don't quite reach when brushing. Your dentist can show you ways to reach those difficult spots, or recommend a toothbrush that can help.

The Reason Why Your Dentist Is Your Best Friend

During dental check-ups, you'll get your teeth cleaned and you'll get your mouth inspected for any tartar, plaque, cavity or gum problems that you might not know about. Cleaning is important, but the big reason to see the dentist regularly is to stop bad stuff before it starts. Every condition that leads you to lose your teeth and gums is totally preventable.

When dental problems go untreated, they only become worse. Start taking care of your teeth properly, and you'll never have to worry about having to get dentures before your forty. Routine check-ups keep you from having to have more serious (and more painful!) dental work done, so make an appointment to see your dentist today.

by: Abigail Aaronson

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