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subject: Back Pain Early Prevention Part 1 by:Glen Wod - The Yoga Teacher [print this page]

How early can you start back Pain Prevention? Well the sooner the better BEFORE we start to feel the pain. What I mean is to prevent any imbalance through regular maintenance. Start them YOUNG.

Let me explain. Recently in one of our classes we were joined by two young 15 year old girls and slim in stature. One of the girls mother brought them who is also at the class. We practiced a variety of postures with some back bends, in particular the Wheel or Crab some call it. Its Sanskrit name is Chakrasana.

We went through the motions of prep work etc and theses two girls just flowed into it. No trouble, in fact one of them went into variations of the pose - Eka Pada Chakrasana, good to see to inspire others. Some of the members of the class weren't quite as flexible but had a go any way. Those who have been reading these articles on a regular basis will understand where I am coming from when I say that perhaps the reason that we are unable to go into these positions is how tight our bodies have become.

How much are we really hanging onto? Remember 15 year olds haven't the experiences of a 20, 30, 40 plus year old therefore do not carry 'baggage' around with them. I am not saying these youngsters haven't any issues to deal with, they only have 15 years of experience where as the rest of us have x number of years that we are dealing with. Therefore we tend to carry around a lot more baggage and that baggage results in stress in the body and gives us our dis-eases, back pain, neck pain, you name it we tend to have it.

Only by recognising our issues, ailments, imbalances, back pain or dis-ease can we start to do something about it. These youngsters haven't theses issues so if we educate them early then perhaps they will avert any troubles that may happen. Prevention is better than a cure.

Let's take these two youngsters as an example. They are not regular students, but what if they where? What if they could take the knowledge gained and pass it on to others of the same age group and older? Think of all the possible troubles that could be averted by some simple measures. Ok I know there are PE classes and the like; however the practice of yoga works on different levels, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual that other programmes do not.

About the author

Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher. Glen is a yoga expert who loves to teach you how to lose your neck, shoulder or back pain with yoga.

Dedicated to unlocking the Real Secrets of Back Pain.

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