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subject: The Success of the Slogan – ‘I Love New York’ [print this page]

Author: Paul Buchanan

Certain brands are known and recognised the world over and much has to be said about the people who came up with the idea and then spread the world. Coca Cola is drunk in every continent on the planet, all internet users know what Google is and now, with the popularity of travel rising, the 'I Love New York' t-shirt is instantly recognisable. Such is the popularity of this and of these t-shirts slogan known more commonly with a bright red love heart and just the initials NY for the American city - that they have been imitated and adopted the world over, and not just by other locations. While it is now possible to easily find t-shirts declaring the wearer's love for any city, country or state that can easily be cut down to two letters although some such as LA work a lot better than others. Beijing's t-shirt, for example, raises many eyebrows when worn in the western world. It's not just locations that use this format as others have been getting in on the act. The most famous of these is probably British pop singer Will Young, who brought out an edition of the slogan simply with this own initials, WY, in place of the standard NY. While no other design has or likely ever will emulate the success of the origin, it's hard to find a tourist shop that doesn't have at least one homage to the original. In fact the original NY design is often sold overseas and worn by people who have never been to the states. Twenty years ago New York City was awash with crime and visitors had to be careful which areas they visited. It has since been transformed into one of the most desirable places to go and often tops lists of must see cities of the world. While the stamping out of crime and graffiti started this transformation, it was the successful marketing of the city in particular through the simple I Love New York slogan that got people's mindsets changing. As a result of the improvement in the Big Apple it is one of the most visited and re-visited cities in the world, with the number of New York flights increasing year on year. Of course with attractions such as Madison Square Garden, Central Park and Ellis Island to visit, the city has much to offer visitors. Nothing, however, says you've been to New York like a 'I Love NY' t-shirt!About the Author:

Paul Buchanan writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.

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