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subject: The Different Styles of Yoga: Ashtanga by:Carlos Regueira [print this page]

Many think of Yoga as a relaxation and meditation technique. While it can be, there are different styles of Yoga-some concentrating more on relaxation while others can be a great workout for your entire body, as well as your mind. Learn about the different styles of Yoga and see which one may be right for you. It's like matching your shoes and your belt-matching your Yoga style with your mood and what your mind and body need for the day.


If you're ready for a workout, then Ashtanga Yoga may be just what you're looking for. During this practice, you are in continuous movement as you work through a series of six asanas. Students are encouraged to work at their own pace, but there is no resting, adjusting or lingering in your poses. Expect your heart rate to increase and to sweat your way through this newly popular style of Yoga.

As a form of Vinyasa Yoga, Ashtanga focuses on a mind-body combination as you flow through a series of postures. When you perfect your breathing technique along with your poses, this form of Yoga gives your body a complete fitness workout and clears your mind simultaneously.

To find an Ashtanga Yoga class near you, check for local Yoga studio and gym class schedules.

About the author

Miami-based and certified personal trainer, Carlos Regueira, is passionate about helping men and women achieve their ultimate body. It is through his over 5 years of experience working with clients where Carlos has developed his widespread expertise in advanced health, nutrition, and fitness strategies. Carlos earned his personal training certification from the National Federation of Professional Trainers. For more information, visit

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