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subject: Helpful Advice For Redecorating Your Baby's Room [print this page]

Hey look, you're expecting a baby! Great news! All that's left now would be to prepare the room that where your bundle of joy will stay. We're going to give you some ideas on how to liven up your baby's room with a minimum amount of money without sacrificing his comfort and safety.

Your primary concern when decorating your baby's room is to keep him secure. Make sure you understand the safety guidelines of the particular crib you want to buy. When you buy furniture for your baby's room, select items that can be converted into something else as the baby grows older, like a baby swinger which can be converted to a high chair. When your baby is young, he is unable to support himself yet and would need a particular car seat, but when he gets older and learns how to hold himself upright, he would need another kind of seat.

You would also need a changing table and a high chair. A comfy rocking chair would help much as you cradle your baby back to sleep during one of those middle-of-the-night feedings.

All your baby paraphernalia should be placed near the changing table, you don't know what trouble your baby can get into even if you leave him for just a second to grab a diaper.

In decorating the baby's room, a big chunk of the money usually ends up at the hands of the contractor, so if you want to save some money do the labor yourself. Drag out the sewing machine to create some accessories or paint to spruce up the room (just make sure it's lead free). Pastel colors would look nice in your baby's room, it would be appropriate for the room of a growing child. If you don't want to go through the difficult process of wall papering the whole room, you can just cut few strips and place it here and there to liven up the room, then you can stencil in some stars or vines to spruce up your windows and doors. If you want the rooms to look as if it was handled by a decorator then coordinate the wall paper with the fabrics used in the rooms.

You could start off with the things you will get from the baby shower, enroll on a gift registry and specify items that would really go well with the color scheme of the baby's room.

Your baby's belongings could be temporarily placed in baskets, drawers and shelves. To add more space to the room, put up a few shelves and dressers to store your baby's stuff.

by: Robert Puckett

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