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subject: Baby Boomers Ask - Can I Improve My Quality Of Life With A Fitness Program? [print this page]

What exactly are the rules for getting fit after 50 and beyond? When you were 20, you didn't worry about weight and exercise. When you were 30 you didn't give your fitness much thought. After all, you looked good. When you were 40 you had a pound or two that kept reappearing every time you decided to eat dessert, but nothing to worry about. Then came your 50th birthday and everything started to change. Yes, your body IS different than it was and you can no longer afford to ignore that fact.

It's fair to say that by the time you get your letter from AARP - you know the one - there have already been some changes in your body. Most of these changes are less than welcome. Perhaps it's just a few more pounds since the last milestone birthday, or perhaps you just don't get up off the floor as easily as you used to.

Are things like loss of muscle and bone strength, unsteady balance, and weight gain inevitable as we age? Not entirely. What we do today, during our 50's, will help prevent deterioration of our body not only today, but for the rest of our lives. Aging is a natural process and it is inevitable, should we be so lucky! However, the way we age is highly dependent on what we do to keep our body strong and healthy.

You have gotten where you are in this world by having some smarts. You know there is a plan for getting and staying fit after 50. Now, all you have to do is believe that you're worth the effort it takes to feel great. You deserve a strong, healthy body that will carry you happily into the decades to come. Let's get you on track with a few simple steps:

Set A Goal: Think back to some of the goals you set in the past. I'll bet when you were in your 20's and 30's you wanted to look beautiful and slim, so that was your goal. Somewhere in your 50's your aspirations have changed. You still want to look good, but it's the feeling good part that gets us committed to a fitness program. If you say "When I turn 55 next year I want to walk a marathon" THAT is a fitness goal. Pick something you want to achieve - ride a bike again, do 25 leg lifts, get off the floor without help - those are markers of a quality of life that you've been missing.

Find A Fitness Program That Works For You: If you dread the thought of walking on a treadmill for an hour, then don't buy one. If the thought of working out around bodybuilder types gives you nightmares, then don't join a fancy gym. However, if the support of friends is important to you, then by all means, choose a community of fitness-seekers. You may prefer long walks over riding a stationary bike. Dancing to a great exercise video could be perfect for you. Yoga, Pilates, even belly dancing are all forms of exercise. You just need to pick one or two and start moving!

Stick With An Exercise Program: Finding something you enjoy doing is essential. The chances of continuing an exercise program depends largely on whether or not you like what you're doing. Assuming that you've found a program you like, you've come to the part where most people fail - sticking with the program. We start a new exercise program only to drop it after about a month. Why? Typically, because we don't see any results. Make a commitment to your chosen exercise program for at least 90 days and you will have results. Then, if you lose interest, switch to a different program! Whatever you do, don't just stop!

When you get fit, and stay fit after 50 you are investing in your future. Yes, it will feel good to climb up those steps without getting winded, but it will feel even better when you're 80! Exercising today and every day is what will give you the strong bones, muscles, heart, and lungs that will carry you happily through your entire life - for decades to come!

by: Patti Winker

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