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subject: Importance Of Celebrating Your Baby's First Birthday [print this page]

Time sure flies by when you have a baby. Just last year you were welcoming your baby into the world and in a few short weeks they will be turning one! You must definitely arrange for a party to mark the importance of celebrating this milestone in their lives. First of all you need to make the necessary arrangements like the guest lists, invitation cards and many more. Bear in mind that this is your baby's first birthday and it should have a lasting impact on the minds of the guests.

Planning and organizing for the birthday party requires a lot of work on the part of the parents. If your baby's birthday is just in few weeks, you might need to make the guest list and the first birthday photo invitations well in advance. Preparing the 1st birthday photo invitations can be fun. First you need to choose a favorite photo of your baby. These can either be clicked fresh or you can even use recent snapshots of them for the invitations.

Plan of making the 1st birthday photo invitations are little appealing? Then why not go in for background themes. There are a number of online websites that offer different themes such as polka dots, bubbles, circles, stripes, flowers, butterflies and many more that will look attractive with your baby's first birthday photo invitations. The text for the invitations can be simple or you can even go in for jingles or rhymes depending on your creativity skills.

Many of the parents go in for themed birthday parties since they can easily get a lot of information from many online resources and get the party organized. Your baby's first birthday party theme can range from stuffed toys, building blocks, princesses, dolls or even famous cartoon shows like Sesame Street. These choices can be made by you on behalf of your baby since they are too young to have favorites.

Coming to the decorations, streamers and posters seem to be a more ideal choice for the occasion. You can even make use of balloons of different colors and have them place way out of the reach of both younger and older children. In addition to this, you can make use of cut outs of famous cartoon characters like Mickey, Minnie, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and many more and use them to decorate the floors and entrances of the venue.

Food and beverages can be simple since many of the babies are still in the nursing stage. You can order sandwiches, burgers, hot dogs or even create your own unique dishes. Lemonades can be served along with wines and other beverages for the adults. Cake can either be cupcakes or a full cake decorated or baked as per the theme.

If you thought games and activities might not be useful for first birthday parties, think again. Older kids would feel bored if there were no games. Simple games like Simon Says, Forming human trains or singing and dancing with nursery rhymes can ass life to the parties. Babies too love to sing and dance in their babyish ways and if you clap they too will imitate you.

Finally party favors. The baby's first birthday party favors can consist of all types if goodies for the kids such as candies, cookies, toys, dolls etc. you can also gift away cute photos of your baby so that the guests can remember this special event in the coming years. At the end attach a thank you note to the party favors

by: Sebastian Crown

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