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subject: Things You Can Do To Get Ready For Baby's Arrival [print this page]

Preparing For Baby

Having a infant is both an exiting time and a tiring time. You can greatly reduce your stress and fatigue levels whenever baby arrives, by getting as much done now as you can. When you are about one month from your due date here are a few things to do before baby is born. Being pregnant is an exhilarating time in an women's life, however at the same time can be very exhausting since there is so much to get done. So preparation is key to helping you enjoy those first few weeks after baby is born. These useful items can help you get ready for the new baby's arrival. You need to begin them about one month from your due date.

First if you are working on any do it yourself projects, finish all of them. You may think that once the baby is born then you will finish them, however that just will not happen. The arrival of the baby could delay these tasks for months. Complete any half-finished projects you have. Additionally don't start any brand new tasks unless they are absolutely necessary. Parents-to-be will often use the birth of a baby to get home improvements done they have been meaning to complete. If you are in this group, complete any tasks you have started. If you don't complete them now, it could take months or even years after the baby is born to finish them. And don't start any new projects unless you are certain that you can complete then before the baby is born.

Seventy degrees is the best temperature for baby in the home. Therefore this is the time to monitor your home. In the rooms that baby will occupy the most, set the thermostat to seventy degrees and then find out if the it remains consistently 70 degrees. One thing that is ignored when preparing for baby is the temperature of the home. 70 degrees is the optimal temperature for a baby. Set your thermostats to seventy and then monitor the room to determine if the temperature continues to be at seventy degrees. You only need to do this in the rooms where the baby will spending a lot of time.

Those first few weeks with baby are going to be insane, I know you've heard others state this and they are correct. Doing a bit of additional preparation now will help alleviate the craziness once the baby arrives. Thoroughly clean your house from top to bottom. For those who have physical limitations then ask friends to help or hire a cleaning service. Once you have cleaned the house maintain the cleanliness by putting items away after you used them. Cleanup right away following meals. Keeping the house ready to go helps because you never know when baby will choose to make his arrival.When the baby arrives you'll need every extra minute you can get, so now is the time to clean your house thoroughly.

Do a stock-up shopping spree. Everyday items like shampoo, toothpaste and soap are things you want to stock up on. Stock up on paper supplies like toilet tissue and paper towels. Washing dishes will not be on top of your priority list, so include paper plates on the paper goods list. Make sure that you include cleaning supplies in your shopping spree. Make sure you have ample clothing detergent including the ones you will wash baby's clothes and diapers in.Make sure you have all the everyday items you use on hand at the house.

Now is also the time to stock-up on non-perishable grocery items. Again the more you can get done now, will be so helpful those first few weeks, so think about making and freezing meals. For 2 weeks make double the amount you would normally make and freeze half. Also when you're grocery shopping conside throwing in a few frozen meals or snacks. They Will be useful. Also make a list of the perishable stuff you use every week. This way you won't have to try and remember what you need you can just get the list and go or give somebody else the list to help you out.

Some other preparation reminders are to keep you gas tank above the half mark all the time. Additionally keep you cell phone charged at all times. Due dates are just estimates you never can be sure when you will go into labor.

There'll be so many sweet moments you will want to capture those first few months, so take the time now to get ready. So buy film or memory cards and be sure you have enough. The same goes for batteries make sure all the cameras and recorders are charged and that you have enough extra batteries. those moments only come once, so capture them while you can.

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Things You Can Do To Get Ready For Baby's Arrival

By: Bob Mcgowan

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