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Make Your Child's Teeth a Priority

The smile of a child is truly one of the most treasured aspects of their physical appearance. Misshapen, rotting or chipped teeth can effortlessly impact a child's self-esteem and confidence levels, both of which are so crucial in our present society.

We are all our own worst critics and children are not immune from this. Children are especially susceptible to critique and take it very hard. Children deeply desire fitting in, looking like everyone else. It's important to them to look 'normal,' which to them means they don't have something about them that draws unwanted attention to themselves. This particularly true of unwanted attention from their peers. Think back to your own school days. Remember that buck toothed kid in your elementary class? Remember the teasing and merciless ridicule he endured? That's typical. Neglect of the primary teeth can result in severe pain and serious infection of the gums and jaws, which can in turn, affect a child's general health. Most people don't realize that if they let cavities (or tooth decay) grow in the primary teeth, it can spread to the permanent teeth underneath and can also lead to abscessed gums.

Considering the amount of dental education in the past century, there really is no reason for people to neglect their teeth - or their children's teeth. The first thing you need to do is identify any existing problems, correct them and then learn how to prevent further problems.

Primary teeth may be referred to as temporary or baby teeth and are very important to a child's health and functioning. Typically, your first tooth will erupt around five years old. Your baby molars will often persist until you're about to enter high school, about thirteen or fourteen years of age. Each permanent tooth comes into the space reserved for it by the temporary tooth it replaces. If the temporary teeth are lost before the permanent teeth come in, orthodontic problems such as loss of the space for the tooth, teeth drifting from their usual positions, and tooth rotation may develop. Temporary teeth are necessary for proper jaw development, they aid in chewing and speaking, and they are important for aesthetic reasons.
Make Your Child's Teeth a Priority

Some babies and toddlers suffer from Early Childhood Caries (ECC), which is a type of decay. The upper front teeth are typically the most severely affected, with the rest of the teeth being damaged in the same order they erupted in. Lower incisors are usually protected by their proximity to the salivary flow and are not affected by the damage. In many cases, ECC goes on unseen by a child's parents as it begins as a dull white line along the gum line on a child's front teeth.

These white bands will eventually become cavities encircling the necks of the teeth like a black or brown collar. The parents are confused, thinking that the teeth simply came out brown and dull rather than shiny and white. If allowed to go on unchecked, the teeth can be completely ruined - only black-brown stumps of roots left behind. Gum boils (otherwise called abscesses) is another well known condition.

This decay and infection is caused by allowing sugary substances to remain on the teeth for long periods of time. Some of these beverages include artificial drinks, milk formula and even breast milk. These sugars provide food for a group of bacteria called mutatis streptococci which produce acids that attack the teeth.

This is an infectious bacteria, which can spread within the mouth and even be passed from caregiver to child. Studies show that if maternal oral health is good, children will benefit. Consequence of lacking oral hygiene from an infant age can affect primary teeth resulting in permanent loss. Utilizing fluoride toothpaste will help you to avoid these dental issues.

Fluoride toothpaste makes tooth enamel stronger, providing protection against acid assaults that lead to decay, and for adults and children susceptible to dental decay, this protection is invaluable.

However, decay cannot be prevented by just fluoride toothpaste. You'll want to get instruction on how to properly brush and clean your teeth effectively. Fluoride toothpaste and appropriate brushing is critical, but it's not enough by itself to keep you cavity free. Also, your hygienist or dentist needs to clean your teeth regularly throughout the year.

A simple toothbrush can not remove all the plaque, and the professional cleaning will remove what you have not been able to. What you eat also plays an important role in your dental health. Occasional sweets mixed with a healthy dose of fruits and vegetables is a tooth-healthy diet. The fewer sweets you eat, the greater the chance that your teeth will stay healthy throughout your life.

Make Your Child's Teeth a Priority

By: bernicep

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