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subject: Baby Gifts That Stand The Test Of Time [print this page]

The secret behind giving someone else, especially a child or new born baby, a great baby gifts is to imagine how they will use the gift you have bought them, what will they do with it, ideally you want it to be used on a regular basis not hidden away on a shelf somewhere or stored in a toy box never to see the light of day again.

When buying a baby gift you want to choose a gift that will stand the test of time, will be used on a regular basis and one that will hopefully help to generate lots of wonderful and long lasting memories for the baby and also their parents for years to come. Possibly something that maybe they can eventually then pass on to their own children in future years.

The best baby gifts are the ones that appear to have had a lot of thought, effort and time put into them, showing attention to detail and that you care about what it is you are buying and have not just rushed out and picked up the first baby gift you saw. What you really want is that your baby gift is seen as useful and unique; to show you have used your imagination so make sure you take some time when choosing it.

One thing you need to remember is everyone will be competing with everyone else, all of the other friends and relatives; they will make it their goal to try and purchase the new arrival the best and hopefully the most unique baby gift. They want to be the one to have given the greatest baby gift!

It is not as easy as it used to be, when in the past some baby grows and maybe a few pairs of booties were considered an ideal gift for a new baby. Unfortunately not any more as we know that there will be no shortage of those at home!! Of course they are undoubtedly practical baby gifts but they lack any imagination and spontaneity and they will be put away in the draw with all the baby's other clothing, you want to buy something that is distinctive and will not be quickly forgotten.

The most unique baby gift you can buy would be anything that has been personalised as this is exclusive only to them, one of a kind so to speak, when you personalise a gift it becomes more meaningful to the person and a lot more memorable as well. Also you can guarantee that the baby's parents will love to see their baby's name or initials on whatever gift you decide to personalise and there are so many available today.

Some baby gifts will depend on whether you are buying for a boy or a girl, some are universal, for example, you could purchase a baby blanket and have this personalised with their name, weight and date of birth. I'm sure the doting parents would use a gift like this on a regular basis and who knows it may become something the baby will not sleep without which would be proof of the acceptance of the gift not only by the parents but the baby also.

Sterling silver is always a good choice and you are guaranteed that It will stand the test of time and not break in a few years, some nice universal baby gift ideas would be a personalised baby photo frame, maybe a personalised silver baby's first money box and as these are available in many different shapes and sizes they could be tailored for a little boy or a little girl. What about picking up a personalised silver keepsake or silver trinket boxes, these would be something that they could use to keep important items in, things that mean a lot to them like their baby's first tooth or baby's first lock of hair etc.

For little girls you will not go far wrong with a personalised silver expanding baby's bracelet, it is the perfect baby gift and there is nothing sweeter than seeing little baby girls wearing a bracelet and you can be sure that it is something the parents will want to keep forever as a special memento of their little one.

What we are trying to say is don't just look for the old tried and trusted traditional baby gifts that everyone else will be buying. Baby gifts are meant to be unique and special that will conjure up lots of happy memories years after they were received..make sure yours does.

by: John Smith

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