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subject: Preparing For The Arrival Of Your Newborn [print this page]

You're pregnant. You're enjoying the experience of watching a life grow within you. As the months pass, your stomach will continue to expand, making room for your baby, and serving as a constant reminder that your life is about to change. Before long, you'll be visiting the delivery room to give birth to your new infant. Now is the time to start making plans.

Many moms-to-be feel rushed and unprepared as the last few days of their third trimesters approach. For some, especially new mothers, it's merely a case of nerves. They've made plans in advance, and have everything they need, yet still feel ill-equipped. They'll do fine. Others, however, waited too long to make the necessary preparations. After watching the months pass, their due dates are now speeding toward them.

In this article, we'll help you prepare for the arrival of your unborn baby. Every pregnancy and childbirth experience is unique; planning the details minimizes the likelihood of confronting issues down the road. The following ideas will help you navigate the last days of your pregnancy, your delivery room experience, and the first few weeks at home.

Planning The Details Of Childbirth

Think about the time you'll spend delivering your infant. How do you imagine the experience? Consider your preferences. For example, are you opposed to receiving an epidural in order to minimize the pain? Are you open to undergoing a Cesarean section? Would you like soothing music, or a limit placed on the number of friends and family who can be present in your room at the same time?

The earlier you can plan these details, the less you'll need to worry about when the time comes to visit the delivery room. Keep in mind it's important to be flexible. If your safety, or that of your baby is in question, your doctor may choose to ignore your wishes to ensure your delivery is problem-free. Make plans, but realize they can change based on circumstances.

Baby Products, Nursery, And More

At first, you might think preparing your home for your little one requires very little forethought. A few boxes of diapers, a crib, and baby monitor should suffice, right?


Planning your home for the arrival of your infant involves a long list of things to buy, and tasks to complete. In addition to diapers and a crib, you'll need a mattress, changing table, blankets, bathing supplies, onesies, a diaper bag, car seat, and dozens of other items. You may also want to decorate your infant's nursery (before your growing body limits your reach and flexibility). In short, there's a lot for which you'll need to prepare. Start doing so early.

Coming Home And Settling In

Experienced mothers and fathers can attest that every baby is different. So, too, does every newborn present unique challenges during the first three or four weeks for her parents. A lot of new moms and dads feel unqualified once they realize the advice they read in baby books is sometimes fallible. Here are a few ideas to minimize problems.

First, don't worry about spoiling your baby during the first month. Take the opportunity to pick her up, and hold her as much as you can. Second, track your infant's dirty diapers. Doing so provides insight regarding whether she is eating a sufficient amount. Third, realize you and your partner are going to make mistakes. Newborns are forgiving. Lastly, if you notice anything unusual or particularly worrisome in your infant's behavior or appearance, contact her pediatrician. Avoid waiting too long in the hopes something peculiar resolves itself.

Welcoming your newborn into the world and your home will be an exciting experience. Start planning early to help ensure the entire process - from your pregnancy to the delivery room through the first weeks at home - is a smooth one.

by: Tammy Schoreder

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