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subject: When Is It Too Late To Choose My Baby's Gender Or Sex? [print this page]

I often get emails from women who tell me that they've just begun to read my articles or toeducate themselves about choosinga baby's gender or sex and they want to know if they've waited until it's too late in the process. Specifically, they want to know if it's now too late to do the things that will determine or influence their baby's sex. I'll explain what I typically tell them in the following article.

There Is Only One Time When It's Too Late To Influence Whether You Have A Boy Or A Girl: In reality, the only time when there is no going back is when you are most definitely pregnant. As soon as the sperm successfully fertilizes the egg, the baby's gender is set. If a Y sperm chromosome gets there first, the baby will be a boy. If the winner is an X, then a baby girl will be the result. Once these things are set in motion, there is really nothing that you can do to change this. People sometimeswrite tome and want to know the foods to eat to make the baby a girl or a boy, but the time to change your diet would have been before you got pregnant. There is nothing that can change what has already been produced at this point.

However, if you're only at the beginning of the "trying to get pregnant process" but have not actually gotten a positive pregnancy test, then you're still very much in the game. You can make many easy, non invasive changes at this point that really can allow you to chose your baby's gender.

If You're Not Yet Pregnant But Want To Influence Your Baby's Sex: OK, so let's say that you've determined that you are not yet pregnant. The first thing that you want to do is to determine your acidity. That's because a high PH will favor a girl while a low one is more likely to produce a son. PH testing strips make this cheap and easy. Once you get your reading, decide if you need to change your PH and if so, will you do this through your diet or through douching. There are many resources that will tell you how to do this.

Next, you will want to address timing. For a girl baby, you want to conceive well before your actual ovulation. For a boy, you want to hit the target on the very day of ovulation. You have to be very precise here. You can not guess if you are really serious about getting one gender over another. Using a very reliable ovulation predictor is one of the best tools to help with this. I really like the saliva kind, but they also have urine predictors or ones that test your blood.

One other thing to consider is the sexual positions that you will use when you are trying to conceive. Again, this doesn't matter during the rest of the month. So, for around 25 days, you canbe as spontaneous asyou like. But, on your fertile days, you'll want to use shallow penetration if you want a daughter, while deeper penetration favors conceiving a male baby.

I've put together a few websites that take a lot of the guess work out of choosing your baby's gender. You'll find step by step instructions, resources for douche recipes and food PH lists, information on when to conceive, tips, support, and examples of ovulation predictors / PH testing strips.

If you want a girl baby, check out

If you want a boy baby, check out

When Is It Too Late To Choose My Baby's Gender Or Sex?

By: Sandy Dean

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