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subject: With The Purchase Price Of Lcd: Size Priority Or Resolution Of Priority? [print this page]

in the same price LCD TV Purchase, is the size of the priority or the resolution first? With LCD

TV The more the lower the price down, the screen bigger and bigger, the problem began to plague many consumers to buy LCD TV. So, that size priority and that priority would be divided between the resolution, which we are debating.

Under the same price why should give priority to large-size models?

Cheap, this is what most consumers prefer large-size LCD TV's the main reason. Latest from the mall promotions, we can see, the most expensive 40-inch LCD TV for less than 6,000 yuan, the most expensive 42-inch LCD TV is only 6,000 yuan, and this can only be bought before the price of 32 inches. In addition, cheap large-size LCD TV 1080P more and more.

Big face on the big size. LCD TV home, the larger the display the more noticeable lavish, our friends and relatives stopping by feel bright surface. Large-size LCD TV to bring more excitement in the picture effect, especially in the large view, play games, watch the game when the movie feels like sitting in the same inside. Such feelings are not high-resolution TV can bring.

To buy large-size LCD TVs, you can a "part" in place, did not have to consider the replacement problem. Although the higher the resolution, the picture effect would be clearer. But if not high-definition programming enthusiasts, the highest state in pursuit of high-definition. Instead, look at wired and

DVD , Then no need to choose FullHD LCD, 720P LCD high enough, and sufficient to meet future country to begin broadcasting high-definition programming.

Moreover, it is not the same high-resolution high-definition, many people believe that the definition 1080P 720P bound to be better. This is not true, because the definition is subject to resolution, contrast ratio, response time and other factors. If you simply select the priority resolution LCD television, a serious mistake.

Buy Flat Panel TV Resolution priority is sorts? , Of course, users also have the opposite view on the point of view. As the saying goes "no good cheap goods", although the large-size LCD TVs getting cheaper, but in the configuration and technology increasingly shrinking. You pay for truth or to understand, or why the market today have the same 42-inch liquid crystal television, and some models sold for more than 10,000 yuan, while others sold for 6,000 yuan less.

Size is large while the big face, but by the time to pay electricity bills, then it would not face the problem. LCD TV size because the larger the greater the power consumption. From both environmental protection and energy conservation, the blind pursuit of large size will add a lot of trouble later in life.

If no suitable viewing distance, large-size TV but rather is cumbersome. Not only the local account, if you buy 46-inch large-size LCD television (the appropriate viewing distance of 3.5 meters), but the actual living room viewing distance is only 2.5 meters long viewing distance not only inappropriate affect vision can lead to nervousness, dizziness dazzled.

There is also a focus on players, and that is the priority, having regard to the resolution point, most models can be more easily FullHD 1920 1080 point output. Although the 1366 768 large-size LCD TVs getting cheaper, but resolution of 1366 768 non-standard transmission, and many models can not be properly achieved in point shows that the computer connection is a major problem, applications will be a lot less fun.

Let us come back around and talk about the prices. LCD TVs cost more than 75% are concentrated in


On. That is, if the price of LCD TVs with the purchase the large size, it is necessary to some extent the configuration of the expense of performance-based television. Excessive pursuit of large-size, easy to overlook the picture effect, this is the practice of many consumers.

With The Purchase Price Of Lcd: Size Priority Or Resolution Of Priority?

By: erenber

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