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subject: Tips For Preventing Pregnancy Stretch Marks [print this page]

When you are expecting a baby, you'd think that life would be ideal and loaded with anticipation. The truth is, though, that a woman's self esteem can really take a hit from the many ways in which her body changes during pregnancy, including the stretch marks that appear as a result of weight gain. If only it was possible to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy altogether. Though it isn't possible to completely prevent stretch marks from developing throughout your pregnancy, there's much you can do to lessen the chances of them running wild across your body.

First of all, keep your skin well moisturized. Stretch marks form if the dermis is stretched beyond its elastic capacity and the collagen tears. Sufficiently moisturized skin is less wont to stretching and tearing. You can keep your skin moisturized properly with two separate approaches. First of all, an vital practice is that you consume at least eight glasses of water each day. Secondly, many pregnant women have found it helpful to rub body lotions or special elastin creams on their stomachs at least a couple of times per day to hydrate the skin and diminish the effects of stretch marks. The most effective creams for stretch mark prevention are comprised of useful products like cocoa butter, elastin and wheat germ oil.

Those women who gain weight early and fast are more likely to get stretch marks. It is also true for women who gain too much weight when they are pregnant. Just because you'll be eating for two during pregnancy isn't a green light to binge on junk food. Rather, you should eat plenty of natural, wholesome foods that aren't processed.

There are other reasons why you ought to eat a variety of healthy foods while your baby is growing. You and your baby need good nutrition to insure good health; but proper nutrition also helps keep your skin healthy. Skin is made healthier and softer by consuming sufficient quantities of vitamins such as A, C and E, along with specific minerals and essential fatty acids. The best way to get these nutrients is by eating healthful foods, however you can also get them by taking prenatal supplements.

Women who have healthier skin have less risk of getting stretch marks because of being pregnant. But you could still get stretch marks, even if you follow all these guidelines to try to prevent them. Those who are carrying a large baby or are expecting twins, and women who have pale skin, are more inclined to develop stretch marks. Luckily, as time wears on, stretch marks decrease in visibility, and the dark-reddish tinge fades. Also, there are a number of creams which are able to lessen the appearance of stretch marks on your skin. Another alternative to do away with them is laser surgery, if you can afford it.

by: Kim Archer

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