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subject: Guide For Buying Your First Baby Stroller [print this page]

With so many people needing a good, strong baby stroller and so many different models out there on the market to buy, it is no wonder that many people, whether it is their first child or their fourth, are confused about which stroller model to buy. It is reasonable to say that a stroller is going to be one of the most important pieces of baby equipment that you will buy. Most people end up with more than just one type of stroller as their family grows for example, they might have a large double model for long treks through the fairgrounds with the kids and a single, simple umbrella stroller for those quick trots to the local fruit stand. There are traditional strollers for every day little trips and errand running, there are jogging strollers, umbrella strollers, rugged ones, double and triple ones, and even strollers that look like small baby size taxis for day care centers and caregivers with many children to use.

Some of the most popular types today are travel systems, which consist of an infant car seat, a car seat base for the car, and the stroller itself. These are the ones you probably have seen that allow you to take the car seat right from the car to the stroller, without ever having to disturb baby, who is often fast asleep. For newborns most people really value these travel systems, and you can also find a basic frame that can support almost any infant car seat. There are also models that fully recline for those babies who are very young still and need to lie down.

There are also some models that function as both a baby stroller and a carriage. These consist of a stroller chassis with wheels that can be used with specific car seats, and they also include a removable bassinet that converts into a carriage. Even though putting a stroller on your baby registry is a good idea, and they do make very nice gifts, you should be sure to select it yourself. You are going to be the best judge of how it is going to be used and what specific functions you want it to do. Little features make a big difference, although you may not realize it before you use it for the first time. Dont underestimate the importance of a sun shade, a couple of cup holders, a tray for babys juice cup and a basket underneath for storage. If you decide that you really do want a heavy duty, big deluxe model with all kinds of features on it that you also get a very simple light stroller too, because you are not always going to want to deal with giant, heavy cumbersome models for little quick trips.

by: Phoenix Delray

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