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African Beef Biltong Vs. American Beef Jerky

For those of you wondering what the difference is between Beef Jerky and Biltong, I am here to break it down for you.

Hopefully we all know by now that Jerky is meat that is cut into thin strips (usually 1/4 of an inch thick) and dehydrated to remove the moisture content. But what you probably didnt know is how Biltong is preparedsince none of you have probably tried it yet.

Biltong is similar in that it is a type of sliced, cured, and dehydrated meat, but it is the simple differences between it and Jerky that make the world of difference. First thing that you notice with Biltong is that it is cut against the grain of meat, something that differs with most Jerky products. Then you see that Biltong is spiced and flavored somewhat differently because of the use of pungent ingredients like vinegar, which is used as a pre-marinade. Finally you will notice that Biltong has a different cut to it, meaning that each strip is generally twice as thick as its beef jerky counter-part. Something that is just an acquired meat snack taste. That is typically why you dont see Biltong sold in the U.S, its primarily a dish well-known in South Africa and some parts of Europe.

Biltong is a kind of cured meat that originated in South Africa. Many different types of meat are used to produce it, ranging from beef through game meats to fillets of ostrich from commercial farms. It is typically made from raw fillets of meat cut into strips following the grain of the muscle, or flat pieces sliced across the grain. It is similar to beef jerkyin that they are both spiced, dried meats, but differ in their typical ingredients, taste and production process. The word biltong is from the Dutch bil("rump") and tong ("strip" or "tongue").
African Beef Biltong Vs. American Beef Jerky


The Dutch settlers who arrived in South Africa in the 17th century brought recipes for dried meat from Europe. Preparation involved applying vinegar, then rubbing the strips of meat with a mix of herbs, salts and spices. The need for preservation in the new colony was pressing. Building up herds of livestock took a long time. There was native game about but it could take hunters days to track and kill a large animal such as an eland and they were then faced with the problem of preserving a large mass of meat in a short time in a hot climate during a period of history before iceboxes had been invented. Desiccation solved the problem. Biltong as we understand it today evolved from the dried meat carried by the wagon-travelling Voortrekkers, who needed stocks of durable food as they migrated from the Cape Colony (Cape Town) north-eastward (away from British rule) into the interior of Southern Africa during the Great Trek. The raw meat was preserved from decay and insects within a day or two, and within a fortnight, would be black and rock-hard after it had fully cured.

Comparison to jerky

Biltong differs from jerky in two distinct ways: Being at least four times thicker than beef jerky, biltong means more nutrition and even makes for a more appetizing snack, sometimes even replacing a whole meal. Also, the vinegar used in curing biltong gives it a characteristic flavor, which many people enjoy more than that of beef jerky.

But despite the fact that biltong is thicker, it is still crisp and snappy. The cutting of the meat is done such that it is against the grain. Hence, the meal loses almost all its water content and becomes crisp. This is again something that adds to its value as a snack.

The meat used in biltong can be much thicker; typically biltong meat is cut in strips approx 1 inch wide - but can be thicker. Jerky is normally very thin meat.

The vinegar and salt in biltong, together with the drying process, cures the meat as well as adding texture and flavour. Jerky is traditionally dried without vinegar.


Biltong is a common product in Southern African butcheries and grocery stores, and can be bought in the form of wide strips (known as stokkies, meaning "little sticks"). It is also sold in plastic bags, sometimes shrink-wrapped, and may be either finely shredded or sliced as biltong chips.

There are also specialised retailers that sell biltong. These shops may sell biltong as "wet" (moist), "medium" or "dry". Additionally, some customers prefer it with a lot of fat within the muscle fibres, while others prefer it as lean as possible.


While biltong is renowned for being chewed as a snack, it can also be diced up into stews, added to muffins and pot bread. Biltong-flavoured potato crisps have also been produced.

Biltong can be used as a teething aid for babies. Some retail stores offer a mild form of biltong especially for this purpose which does not contain the spices used for flavouring.

Biltong worldwide

Biltong's popularity has spread to many other countries, notably the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealandwhich have large South African populations, and also to the United States. Biltong is also produced within South African expatriate communities across the globe, for example in Germany and even South Korea.
African Beef Biltong Vs. American Beef Jerky

Biltong produced in South Africa may not be imported into Britain, according to rules governing the importation of meat-based products from non-EU countries laid down by Customs & Excise department, thus it is made in the UK.

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by: South African Biltong Thailand

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