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subject: Stays In London Hotels Can Be Combined With Fine Dining [print this page]

Stays In London Hotels Can Be Combined With Fine Dining

Many people enjoy the experience of staying in hotels in London and such visits can be enhanced by the right choice of restaurant.

However, because of the sheer size of the capital and the number of eateries available, it can be a daunting task selecting which one to head to.

One way to narrow down the options is to go by recommendation, either by a friend or professional reviewer.

Those staying in London hotels who choose the latter may be interested to hear that, writing in the Telegraph, Zoe Williams praised the cuisine available in Gauthier.

Situated at 21 Romilly Street, London, the restaurant is set out over five floors and guests must ring a bell in order to get in.

The writer said: "The menu here is fancy in so far as it has a proliferation of amuse-bouches (chick-pea chips, prawns on sticks, a dazzling, tiny bit of halibut), but it is also accommodating."

She noted it is possible for those staying in London hotels - as well as residents of the city - to have a dish from each of the five courses available for 55, while those with a lesser appetite can opt for four courses for 45 or three for 35.

Ms Williams added: "I liked this: it gave the impression that my appetite was a matter of consequence and wasn't just a pesky side effect of my existence."

Among the culinary delights on offer when she visited were "delicious" scallops and garlic with a parsley puree, sea trout with whole braised beetroots and a saddle of Welsh lamb with an "elegant caponata underneath".

For those with a sweet tooth, the desserts included golden Louis XV dark chocolate and praline and raspberry millefeuille.

Individuals seeking enticing meals may be wise to book into hotels in London, as the capital has attracted some of the best chefs from around the world, a number of whom hold Michelin stars.

by: Nick Campbell

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