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subject: Where Can I Get Pregnancy Snacks? [print this page]

Researchers acknowledge that it's better for you to consume five to six smaller meals throughout the day if you are currently pregnant. It is much easier for your body to digest, and it has been known to reduce morning sickness and heartburn. It is also the right way to continuously supply the body the nutrients, nutritional vitamins, amino acid proteins and vital minerals that are needed to give your unborn child what it requires throughout the developmental phase. Eating more more compact meals throughout the day also manages your weight gain.

Your body and your baby's body don't require that you just eat any food. What your body requires you to eat during pregnancy is high quality healthy pregnancy food. You will need to wrap your mind around the idea that everything you eat is either bad or good for your pregnancy. For just the next few months, unless you're going to breast-feed, it is the right time to give up caffeinated sodas and coffee, candy and all high caloric/low nutritional foods. Among the list of things you must give up would have to include lattes and fast foods. You need to consider maintaining a healthy diet for the baby starting right this moment.

While it may seem as though by taking all these things off your daily food list there is nothing left to consume, here is a few simple pregnancy snack ideas that may added to your list of nutritional new pregnancy junk food. That might consist of fruit (such as apples and oranges, pears, grapes, melons, berries and pears), crackers and low-fat cheese, apples with peanut butter, nine-fat or low-fat milk together with graham crackers, yogurt, pudding, cottage cheese with fruit or vegetables, pregnancy bars, or maybe half of a sandwich. When you eat these foods, especially fruit, it's not merely about "eating less is better", it is about "better quality, more nutritional food is better".

If every time you put something in your mouth you think about what nutritional value, if any at all, you are getting out of the food, is going directly to your baby who is using it to develop. Your child has absolutely no where else to obtain what it really needs other than by way of you. So instead of eating a piece of candy, have a piece of "pregnancy candy" (dried fruit) instead. If the thought occurs to head out for the french fries during your lunch hour, turn your thoughts instead to "pregnancy junk food" (a nutritional bar or a handful of nuts and some fruit). Eating healthy pregnancy snacks can make all the difference in your health and that of your newborn.

It is true that a pregnant woman needs at least an extra 300 calories per day while she's in the second and the third trimester. Even though that might seem like a lot of extra food, it is easy to add three hundred cal by eating just one extra thing every day. Being pregnant isn't any kind of license to just go crazy and eat everything in sight. Start by making healthy decisions, choosing fresh fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products, lean proteins, and 100% whole grains you'll be well on your way to being a much healthier mom with a much healthier baby.

by: Justine Free.

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