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subject: Hard Of Hearing: Could Your Child Suffer From This? [print this page]

Hard Of Hearing: Could Your Child Suffer From This?

Although there are many options to assist those who have an auditory handicap, such as lip reading and hearing aids, there is no substitute for preventative ear care. It is an unfortunate reality that a large number of babies who enter the world with normal hearing experience loss of this sense due to either injury or illness.

Infectious diseases such as the measles or scarlet fever can cause a loss of hearing or even complete deafness. Inflammation or middle ear abscesses can result from tonsillitis, sinus infection, infected adenoids, or repeated, serious colds, and intense ear pain will likely be present. This is just one of the many reasons why childhood illnesses and colds should not be taken lightly or ignored.

Small children, on occasion, will put small items such as a wooden bead or a bean into their ears. If the object is large enough and can be seen, it can be removed easily. However, if the object has been pushed further into the ear canal, or becomes lodged just outside, do not use jab or prod at it to remove it, as it could be pushed deeper. If you have any doubts about your child's ears, you should contact your physician right away. Yet another danger is that small insects sometimes go into a child's ear. A couple of drops of lukewarm, but not overly hot, sweet oil or castor oil can be placed into the ear.

Never attempt to take the wax out of a child's ear by sticking a bobby pin, lit match or other pointed object inside. The ear drum could very possibly be harmed or punctured if any of those kinds of objects are used. The parent should very gently remove the wax from the outer ear. Get in touch with your doctor if the wax is difficult, firm or packed in.

Some ear infections can be attributed to swimming in water that is not clean. There are people who are unable to dive from a high level without protection for their ears due to the possibility of eardrum puncture. The child should not swim underwater or dive if their ears or sinuses are uncomfortable.

Should the child experience any pain in the ear, any sort of noise, or a discharge, he should be taken to the doctor immediately. Because many children do not gripe about pain, an impairment often goes unnoticed and a lot of children have poor hearing.

You should seek the advice of a doctor or ear specialist, if your child's speech is delayed, they do not respond when you call them, or they do not enunciate clearly. Other symptoms of partial deafness or loss of hearing include fatigue and irritability, this is seen in both adult patients and children.

A physical checkup is generally mandatory for children when they start school. Any hearing problems that exist will be found by the doctor then. Parents should inform the doctor of their child's symptoms if ever in doubt.

Many children have been labeled dull or have received poor grades in school merely due to the fact that they were unable to hear normally. Even some truancy problems have developed because a child hates school. These boys generally produce grades that rank them close to last in their class. Unfortunately, hearing loss can be difficult to diagnose and even the child's parents and teachers can miss the actual reasons for his truancy and poor grades. All parents want their children to be very successful in their school. Make sure that your youngster is not harmed by needless hazards to his hearing. If you are concerned that some hearing loss or other trouble may exist, you should contact a doctor right away to give your child a chance to heal and/or learn to work with his disability. Your ears and hearing are a very important part of daily life - give your child a great head-start in life by ensuring that they are healthy and working properly.

by: melvinrs

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