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subject: Options In Infertility Cure [print this page]

Many couples struggle to cope with infertility that causes depression and strain in their marital relationship. With advanced study in this field, the medical world today has result backed cures and drugs for infertility treatment.

In women stimulating the ovulation cycle is the first step in curing infertility. Other similar drugs are Pergonal, Repronex and Serophene. The intake of these drugs has resulted in a cure in around 40% of infertility cases. For men medication to increase sperm count, refraining from smoking etc are useful treatment.

IVF popularly called as test tube conception is a method adopted when natural conception is not possible. The procedure involves 3 FSH testing of ovarian reserve as well as antral follicle counts before IVF can be advised. The final step involves fertilization of the eggs outside the womb which are re-implanted into the womb resulting in pregnancy in most cases.

Infertility cure can also involve surgical procedures. As a matter of fact surgery accounts in almost 90% of infertility cases. One common procedure is vasectomy reversal. As the name suggests this procedure is to reverse the effects of vasectomy by reconnecting the male reproductive tract and is known for its high success rate.

Many women with infertility condition suffer from fibroid growths. These fibroids are generally found attached to the uterine tract. They can be surgically removed and have in most cases culminated in high conception rates.

Age old treatment procedure involving herbs and dietary treatments have also proved effective in curing infertility. For example Indian indigenous treatment of Ayurveda prescribes regular intake of licorice and garlic for increasing fertility of reproductive organs. Other forms of natural therapy include drinking a potion of powdered banyan tree roots and milk at the end of your menstruation cycle. Following such simple routine for a year has proved successful in many cases. The Indian treatment also encompasses certain physical exercises known as yoga.

Good mental health and physical fitness is another prerequisite to ensure conception. The first step in infertility cure would be to go for a complete medical check up and ascertain factors that could be hindering conception. It is important that you first get diagnosed by a proper medical expert before starting on any infertility cure treatment.

by: Maurice Lenning.

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