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subject: When To Potty Train: Solutions To Potty-tic Problems [print this page]

One of the most common problems of families with babies is potty training. The parents usually have hard time potty training their baby. Others even complain due to the fact that they cannot afford to get their baby to potty. Neither do they have any idea when to potty train. You, as parents, do you know how and when to potty train? Well, I have just the ways to minimize your potty problems.

Firstly, the babys age has nothing to do with potty training. You might think that just because the baby starts talking, he or she already knows how to potty. The age or maturity you perceived as signs for readiness may not be as effective as you think they are. An eight month old baby might just as well be more ready to be potty trained compared to a one year old child. Start as early as eight months. Do not let the baby rely too much on diapers. This might lead to dependency on pull-up diapers than independency in potty.

Secondly, do not rush things. Go slow on a child but do not be upset if he or she really is not into the whole potty idea. Be patient because in time, he or she will learn. You may start by stopping the use of diapers. This will give him the initiative to go to the potty and urine there.

Do encourage the child to potty. Show some interest and enthusiasm that potty is not a scary thing. It is in fact the best thing that your child will encounter. Surround him or her with positivity. Story the benefits of the potty. You can say that the potty is a good friend and will help flash the wewe or urine away and will normalize the bowel movement. Encouragement may also be in a way of positive reinforcement like giving a reward to the child after every potty. This will stimulate interest in him or her to go to the potty every now and then.

Definitely there will be unpredictable problems along the way when you potty train the child. That is why you have to equip yourself with absolute patience and calmness. Do not scold the child for not successfully accomplishing the potty training. Do not force him as well. Take time to let the child get used to the process.

When to potty train, make sure that you are there. Talk to him or her and make the potty experience fun until such time that he or she is comfortable and independent enough to go to the potty alone.

There you go! will be the perfect motivation for the child while potty training. In no time, your child will be completely potty trained.

by: liyah cherby

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