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204 Reasons to Travel to Paris!

You do not have to follow the stream to only one museum in Paris.

The France capital has 204 of them.

It is the number that appears on the city's official tourist site.

It is as you can see enough to choose from, whether you've already

seen the "Mona Lisa" in the Louvre or the Sun King halls of Versailles.

Lonely Planet points out six "forgot" museums that will surprise

you positively if you visit them:

Let Pinacothque is a new art museum on the Place Madeleine.

And it's not just new, it thinks differently from non-linear displays

of everything from Inca gold and Chinese terracotta statues to the

paintings of Edvard Munch and Maurice Utrillo.

Muse Dapper is a great place to see African and Caribbean art.

The permanent exhibition has largely masks and sculptures,

but there are also concerts, film screenings and children's shows here.

In the eighth arrondissement are several small museums in the old villas:

Muse JACQUEMART-Andr showcases Italian masterpieces from the Renaissance.

Muse Nissim de Camondo shows furniture, tapestry and porcelain from the 1700s.

Muse Cernuschi displays up to 3500 year old Chinese statues.

But I'm not going to forget to mention some of the biggest reasons to visit

Paris. This is of course the Louvre, and it's visited by over 8 million people every year.

It's understandable that the other museums in Paris is in the shadow of

this great monument of history.

The city also have some other massive buildings, I'm talking about

the two cathedrals; Notre Dame de Paris and the Basilique du Sacr-Coeur.

A visit to the France capital couldn't be complete without a visit to the most famous

place in Paris. The Eiffel Tower is by far the most famous monument in France.

Their is also places in Paris for the youngsters. Disneyland Paris is huge in France and

attracts many tourist every year.

204 Reasons to Travel to Paris!

By: Christer Nyrud

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