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subject: 5 Marketing Strategies Atlanta Bankruptcy Lawyers Can Do For More Business [print this page]

5 Marketing Strategies Atlanta Bankruptcy Lawyers Can Do For More Business

More and more of your potential customers are online, and unless you make a comprehensive online marketing strategy, you are going to lose out to your competitors. Let's face it - the ads for your law firm on your local channel won't take you as far as they used to in the 20th century.

The internet has changed how people make buying decisions, and that includes hiring bankruptcy law firms as well. It is not enough for people to see ads on TV; they want to find out more about you, engage with you, and communicate with you before committing their time and money. The internet is a great tool for that, and let me list out five things that you can do to make the most of it.

Engage in Search Engine Optimization (SEO): SEO is an activity that makes your website or blog more optimized for search engines, so that your pages rank higher when users search for Atlanta bankruptcy law firms on Google, Bing or Yahoo! You have hundreds of competitors and just having a website for your Atlanta law firm doesn't mean a lot these days. You have to ensure that it does well in search engines as well so that it shows up on the first page when people search for your services.

Blogging: Blogging allows you to talk about things that are happening in your business, and lets people hear your voice, and also get exposed to similar cases that you are working on in real time. You can talk a little bit about your personal life as well, and that makes you a very real person, and sometimes your readers feel that they know you and are much more likely to hire the services of your Atlanta law firm.

Video Marketing: For those of you familiar with advertising on local television, video marketing will come quite naturally and you'll love it. The key difference here is that you will get a lot more than 30 seconds to relay your message and your video will contain some practical tips or advice to people who are struggling with bankruptcy in Atlanta. By giving them some advice they can use, you will be establishing your authority and someone they can trust.

Social Media: You might feel that social media tools like Twitter, FaceBook, YouTube etc. are for children, but with 500 million users on FaceBook, and many more on other social media networks, almost everyone is on at least one social network these days. Isn't it natural then that you go where your potential customers are?

Email Marketing: Even with the rise of social media tools, email is still king. Several studies have proven that people tend to pay a lot more attention to emails that come in their mailbox when compared with Tweets or FaceBook messages, so in that sense an email campaign with regular emails shot off to people who are looking for bankruptcy lawyers in Atlanta yields rich dividends.

Having a comprehensive online marketing strategy can do wonders for your Atlanta bankruptcy law firm, and has become indispensable, as more and more people look to the internet to make their buying decisions.

by: Yomi Ade

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