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subject: How A Florida Defense Lawyer Can Be Of Assistance [print this page]

A drunk driving arrest is normally a nightmarish and complicated encounter. You might have never been mixed up with the legal system. Once you have talked with a lawyer and they have outlined the Dui procedure and the method of your defense, you will be confident that your rights are guarded, every phase of the path. A Driving under the influence conviction can have long enduring effects on your life.

Florida law states, a person is guilty of the criminal violation of Driving Under the Influence if the individual is (1) under the influence of any alcoholic beverage or chemical substances when affected to the extent their normal faculties are impaired OR (2) the person has a breath alcohol content over .08. 'Chemical substances' may include illegal substances such as marijuana, prescription medication or cocaine. Evidence of impairment of one's normal faculties may include a slower reaction time, speeding, weaving, driving too slow, slurred speech, glassy eyes and difficulty with balance.

Criminal penalties under the laws of the state of Florida for a conviction of Dui are believed to be one of the most harsh in the country. Resolving the case all on your own could actually expose you to penalties including jail, a license suspension, probation, fines, court costs, counseling, substance abuse classes, vehicle impound and more.

Immediately after your arrest, the police officer took your driver's license and now your license is suspended. In the event that your license was suspended at the point of your arrest, you are authorized to drive for 10 days given that you keep the actual physical Dui citation as if it was your license. While in the 10 days, you will have to contact your law firm to fight your license suspension and get you a provisional driving permit. In simple terms, your attorney's aim is to maintain you driving as long as possible.

Florida has minimum compulsory sentence guidelines for Dui offenses. Probable sanctions include: jail time (depending on the facts), driver's license suspension, community service, Driving under the influence school, victim impact panel, fines, community service, vehicle impound and installation of an ignition interlock device in your vehicle. Even with these criminal penalties being proscribed by law, a Florida defense lawyer can work as your representative to lessen these sanctions, avoid them altogether or get your case reduced to a lesser violation.

by: Chris Powers

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