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subject: Male Infertility Testing - What Are Your Options? [print this page]

Due to the advances made in fertility medicine and technology, the men and women who are facing infertility testing are being given hope. Doctors are able to, more than ever, diagnose and treat infertility problems accurately.

Semen Analysis

The most common and most likely first male infertility testing that would be done is a semen analysis. The test consists of looking at the semen under a microscope to identify any abnormalities in shape, number or motility. This test occurs at the beginning of fertility treatments as problems with sperm accounts for 40 percent of all fertility problems encountered by couples.

Sperm Analysis Generally Includes

- Volume

- Viability Staining

- Antibody Testing

- Sperm Count and Motility

- Strict Kruger Morphology

- PH

Male Hormone Testing

Testing hormone levels in men can be very helpful in identifying male fertility problems. Testicular problems are often detected due to hormone imbalances. This type of testing generally evaluates:

- Testosterone

- Free Testosterone

- Progesterone

- Luteinizing Hormone (LH)

- Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)

- Prolactin

- Estradiol

Surgical Male Infertility Testing

Male infertility surgical diagnostic tests will include testicular biopsy procedures. Theses procedures determine whether sperm production is normal or if there are any blockages. The two types of biopsy procedures include:

- An Open Biopsy, which is performed under general anesthesia. Through a very small incisions in the skin, a sample of tissue is removed from the testis.

- A Needle Biopsy is also performed under local anesthesia. With this test, a tissue sample of the testis is taken using a small needle.


Vasography is another helpful diagnostic tool in male infertility testing. Vasography uses radiographic injected vas deferens and ejaculatory ducts and any blockages are observed through x-ray images. In some cases, a blockage cannot be observed through the x-ray images and an incisional vasography procedure is used.

Ultrasound Fertility Testing for Men

Ultrasound has long been proven a useful diagnostic tool in male infertility testing. The ultrasound will show the health and function ability of the seminal vesicles, prostate, as well as the bladder. The physician will look for signs of swelling in the seminal vesicles which may obstruct seminal flow. An ultrasound can also reveal any erectile or ejaculation problems as well as the condition of the scrotum.

This allows doctors to know which path to take as not all testing is necessary in most instances. Very frequently, one test may isolate the source of problem and permit the fertility specialist to recommend a course of treatment.

by: Andi Beark

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