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subject: ADD - ADHD Natural Treatment Support [print this page]

ADHD means Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and is becoming very popular these days. There are also another name for this Disorder that people sometimes use called ADD. ADD means Attention Deficit Disorder and it is pretty much the same thing but without the Hyperactivity. So, just to clarify this, the difference between ADHD and ADD is just in that one word or term called Hyperactivity. There are three different types of ADHD.

+ First one is called ADHD Predominantly Inattentive Type, some people refer to it as ADD because its symptoms are mainly related to Inattention issues and without any major Hyperactivity behaviors. People with this problem may have symptoms like not paying attention, not finishing the tasks given to them, not following directions, easily distractful, easily forgetful, careless, disorganized, always losing things, slow responding, sluggish, and not processing fast enough the information given to them.

+ Second one is called ADHD Predominantly Hyperactive Impulsive Type. Individuals with this type of ADHD don't have major Attention problems, but instead they are mainly Hyperactive and Impulsive. These kind of people may have symptoms like feeling and looking restless, overactive, impulsive, interrupting others, talking loudly, can't sit still, excessive talking, can't wait for their turn, and they are hasty.

+ The Last one is called ADHD Combined Type which means it is both Predominantly Inattentive Type and Predominantly Hyperactive Impulsive Type. People with this type of ADHD have symptoms from the first two kinds of ADHD issues.

People or Organizations who are obsess with money will try to sell you some expensive drugs to try to treat your ADHD problem, but people and organizations that care about you and the natural and healthy way of living will try to sell you or tell you about the safe way of treating the ADHD or ADD. It has been explored by some professionals and some families that the Toxic, yes TOXIC ADHD drugs with antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs that doctors give to children and adults are very harmful with huge health problems later on. Continue Reading at Original Destination...

ADD - ADHD Natural Treatment Support

By: Vladimir

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