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subject: Mind Subconscious Autosuggestion [print this page]

Mind Subconscious Autosuggestion

Mind subconscious is the part of the brain that is generally thought of as being off limits to your active, conscious mind. Even though you may not be able to tap into it the way you can with the conscious mind, there are still a few techniques you can use to coach your subconscious mind into functioning the way you want it to. Autosuggestion uses repetition of positive thoughts to help you achieve all sorts of goals. By following the tips outlined below, you can, in effect, reformat your mind subconscious to work for you and help you achieve your goals.

The first step you will want to implement is to begin repeating affirmations. You can literally speak them out loud, or you could also elect to repeat them silently to yourself. The best times to do this are at the beginning and end of each day. Similar to a song you can't get out of your head, when you tell yourself positive things early in the morning, they will remain in your head all day, even when you are actively thinking about other things. Similarly, performing these affirmations before bed will keep your subconscious mind at work by focusing on thoughts from your conscious mind.

Writing down the affirmations gives them a greater strength. Adding the written affirmations to the ones in your mind subconscious brings these thoughts and ideas into the physical world. This becomes a sort of gateway for other aspects of the subconscious to manifest in the physical world through your conscious mind. You can scribble down these thoughts and feelings at any point during the day, not just at night or early in the morning.

Autosuggestion is also a method of alternative medicine that many believe generate swifter healing. Often compared to the placebo effect, autosuggestion aims at making the mind subconscious force illnesses and other ailments out of the body before they have run their course. The methods of medical autosuggestion are not unlike being put under hypnosis. You can carefully coach yourself into hypnosis, or you can alternate some of your positive affirmations to fit your needs.
Mind Subconscious Autosuggestion

This does not have to be exclusively medical goals. Using the affirmation method outlined above, you can start to repeat and write down the goals you hope to achieve as well as your affirmations. After a successful bout of the affirmation routine, you will likely feel increasingly comfortable putting small goals to paper. Once you achieve small goals, continue with this method of taking advantage of your mind subconscious.

by: Irwin Myers

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