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subject: Getting Ready For Pregnancy, The Irreversible Change In Life [print this page]

Pregnancy is a very special time for both you and your partner. Knowing what is happening to you and your growing baby during the weeks ahead will help you both to enjoy this exciting period in your lives.

Starting with the pre-conceptual care, you should be aware of how conception takes place and then looks at pregnancy and your babys development week by week.

Many of the issues raised will be relevant throughout your pregnancy and not just during the week in which they are first mentioned. It is normal to experience some minor discomforts during pregnancy and you will want to know how to cope with them. More serious problems can occasionally occur, and its important to recognize the symptoms so that you will know when immediate medical treatment is required.

The birth is something you may feel anxious about and it will help if you understand the choices available in both ante-natal care and child birth. By being informed about these issues, you will be able to choose the type of care and birth that is right for you.

As you body adapts to the changes that pregnancy brings, you will begin to prepare yourself physically, emotionally and practically for parenthood. A well balanced, healthy diet is essential for both your well being and that of your baby. Exercise has an important part to play too and not just in keeping you fit but also in preparing your body for the birth.

Looking good helps you to feel good, so you should take care of your physical appearance throughout your pregnancy. Knowing how to select the right clothes to suit your changing shape and how to use makeup to emphasize your best features will help you to feel confident and make your pregnancy an even more enjoyable experience.

by: Tom Schavo

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