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subject: Swami Ramdev Yoga And Benefits [print this page]

These simple yoga tips will help you awaken your Third Eye, release stress, increase the vibration of you energy, heal better, improve concentration and also help you develop the great yogic mind or witnessing consciousness. So lets get started

1. Kapal Bhati Pranayama: -

Procedure: - Push air forcefully out. Stomach will itself go in.

Duration: - Start with 30 times or 1 min. increase upto 5 mins min. upto 10 mins max.

Benefits: - increases aabha and tej. helps in obesity, constipation, gastric, acidity, Croesus(liver), hepatitis B, uterus, diabetes.

Tips: - heart and high BP patients, and weak people do it slowly.

2. Anulom Vilom Pranayama: -

Procedure: - Hold your right nasal with thumb, breathe in from left. Now open right nasal and close left nasal with middle and ring finger and breathe out from right nasal.

Duration: - at least 10 minutes.

Benefits : Helpful for heart, high BP, heart blockage, vat-cuf-pit, arthritis, cartilage, bent ligaments, sinual fluid reduced, parkinson, paralysis,

Tips: - breathe into lungs not to stomach. no organ in stomach absorb oxygen. Do not hurry. Do it slowly. Rest whenever needed (in any pranayam).

3. Bhastrika Pranayama: -

Procedure : Take deep breaths and then completely breathe out.

Duration: - 2 mins atleast. 5 mins maximum.

Benefits: - helps in heart, lungs, brain, depression, migraine, paralysis, neural system. increase aabha.

4. Baharya Pranayama: -

Procedure: - Breathe air out, touch chin to chest (Jalandhar Bandh), squeeze stomach completely and hold for a while. Then release chin, breathe in slowly.

Duration: - 3 times to 5 times normally. Maximum upto 11 times. And extremely max upto 21 times (in winters).

Benefits: - Helpful for stomach hernia, urinal, and uterus

Tips: - not for heart and high BP patients.

5. Bhramri Pranayama: -

Procedure: - Close ears with thumb, index finger on forehead, and rest three on base of nose touching eyes. Breathe in. And now breathe out through nose while humming like a bee.

Duration: - 10 minutes

Benefits: - tension, hypertension, high BP, heart, heart blockage, paralysis, migraine pain, confidence, and concentration.

The person who does these exercises daily and regularly can attain following benefits which are briefly described as under: -

* All the three Doshas (Humors) Vata , pitta and Kapha get adjusted in proper proportion and abnormalities in them are removed.

* Digestive system improves and diseases pertaining to digestive organs are cured.

* Obesity, Diabetes, Cholesterol, Constipation, Flatulence, Acidity, Respiratory troubles, Allergy, Migraine, High blood pressure, diseases pertaining to kidneys, sexual disorders of males and females etc. are also cured.

* Diseases pertaining to lungs, heart and brain are also cured.

* Resistance against diseases is stepped up. Immunity develops.

* Hereditary diseases like diabetes and heart disease are can be avoided.

* Falling of hair or its premature graying, appearance of wrinkles on face or other parts of the body at young age, diminution of eye sight, forgetfulness, etc. are relieved and process of aging is retarded.

* Face becomes bright, luminous and calm.

* Performance of yogic exercises like meditation will be easy.

* All the diseases of the physical and enteric bodies will be cured. Freedom from negative and harmful mental conditions like anger, lasciviousness, greed for money, arrogance etc. will be achieved.

by: Dr. Mital John

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