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subject: 5 Cs Of Generating Business From Social Media [print this page]

5 Cs Of Generating Business From Social Media

Social media is a place where people make their profile, have a tte--tte about their palates and predilections for different products (Facebook communities), they outburst, they endorse themselves (LinkedIn), they upload videos (YouTube), they speak their word (blogs), they announce (Twitter), the list is just endless. Social media acts as a foundation for businesses and companies to give a lift to their products and services through online discussions.

Social media is a vast turf and the 5 Cs that I am about to discuss below are definitely the foundation of it.

1.Communicate: Social media is a place to socialize, a place where facts are distributed to a huge number of users within no time. There are many tools in social media that allow the users to share and communicate with a group or an individual. After opening a profile and registering your business on social media, it is your responsibility to make it work. Dont wait for people to come to you, instead you go to them. Start updating your profile with services and products that your company offers. This will help you attract the apposite customers and you will also receive comments and suggestions about your services. Join communities and groups related to your niche and converse with the professionals. This will keep you updated about the events and happenings taking place in your field.

2.Consistency: Once you have started conversing and communicating with your customers, make it a point to not pause the process in between. You should be very consistent in whatever you do. Your customers are stuck to you because of the fact that you keep on updating them with new and attention-grabbing substance that they may be interested in and that your competitors dont. Make sure that you dont give your customers a reason to back out and join someone else.

3.Care (Customer quality): Care about what you do, and whom you do it for. Care is the most important thing that one needs to do while using social media. Just remember that customer is the king and caring about your customers and giving them the best quality can make you the leader. Make it a point to take every step in social media by keeping your customers in mind.

4.Core competency: Social media is one field that allows us to do many things at a time. The whole process of promoting your product in social media depends upon your core competency. You will have to try to let your customers know what your core competencies are and how does that make you different and better from your competitors. The main thing to remember is to make use of social media in such a way that it becomes difficult for your competitors to imitate you.

5.Change: The above mentioned are the four points that will definitely help you promote your business into the global market place and increase your clientele. If this doesnt happen, then may be you are doing it the wrong way, or your competitors are doing it better than you. Always be prepared to handle change and willing to implement a new one. Change is a part of life and thus, by changing your social media strategy you will have nothing to lose but all to gain.

Social media is a huge field and there are many aspects involved in it that one needs to follow to generate business through it. Below discussed are the 5 Cs that build the basics of social media and how one can use them to increase the companys clientele.

by: internetmarketingpro

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