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subject: The Latest Fad Diet - The Dukan Diet [print this page]

One thing that you will find out about the Dukan Diet is that you will lose some weight. Or, you could just skip buying the book and just cut your calories way back. The Dukan Diet relies heavily on a very low calorie diet that doesn't take much consideration about the problems of poor nutrition. You will be taking a daily vitamin but that won't make up for the necessary nutrition that you'll be missing out on.

The Dukan Diet comes at you in three distinct phases. The first phase is called the "Attack" phase and the idea is to lose weight rapidly. The goal is to lose seven pounds in just the first five days. Only protein is allowed in this phase and you'll soon feel like you're the one who's under attack instead of your fat.

The plan under phase one of the diet is eat a diet completely made up of protein. Eat all you want of lean or low-fat meat, chicken, fish, eggs and soy. No lamb or pork is allowed because of the relatively high fat content. You are also required to drink at least 1.5 liters or water and supplement with a tablespoon of oat bran. Even though you can eat all you want of the protein in phase one, this is considered to be the hardest phase of the diet. Within a short time you feel the deprivation of not being able to eat any carbohydrates and another piece of steak just doesn't do anything to satisfy your appetite.

The second phase lasts a lot longer and depends on how much weight you want to lose The goal here is to lose 2 pounds per week. In phase 3 the plan becomes less restrictive and you are not expected to lose any weight. The goal is to stay in this phase for five days for every pound that you've lost. According to the book, this will reinforce the weight loss and prevent weight from coming back. Phase 4 is the maintenance stage of the plan. The promise here is that if you stick to the weekly an all-protein day with exercise you should be able to keep your weight at the stable level.

Most diets expect that you will experience some feelings of deprivation while dieting. The Dukan Diet also warns that you can expect some other side effects. Besides the growling in your stomach you are warned about the bad breath, extreme fatigue and dry mouth as normal side effects of the diet. Most people realize that a diet that makes you feel like this may not be the healthiest thing to be doing to your body.

Losing weight on a restrictive diet like this is a fairly easy proposition. Drastically limit your calories and you'll lose weight. The hard part is what you do next. Maintaining weight loss when you still have the bad eating habits that caused you to gain the weight in the first place is much more difficult. Very low carbohydrates and high protein isn't something you can easily make a lifestyle out of unless you're Tom Hanks marooned on an island with nothing to eat but fish. Change your eating habits to include low calorie, high nutrition foods and you'll lose the weight and keep it off, too.

by: John Fleming.

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