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subject: Safe Weight Loss Explained! [print this page]

Safe weight loss is a widely talked about subject in the world today,with so many young people concerned about their image,it's no wonder alot of them have eating disorders like anorexia and so many others.Sometimes losing weight can be the very best thing for an individual but it can also be a nightmare for others,adversely affecting countless people world wide and even causing early death.When and how to lose weight is essential for personal well being and prevention of deadly diseases across our planet.

Every one has the choice as to whether they want lose their excess pounds or not.Generally though if you are twenty pounds over weight it is important for you to shed those unwanted pounds for your health.Begin by checking out the recommended weight for someone of your size.On the other hand some people's body are not the same and their may be fat and muscle percentage to body weight.If you are unsure you should consult your physician if you think you should lose weight.A physician is the best person to confirm whether your weight is normal.This is the guarantied way to put your mind at ease.

There are also times, however, when you definitely do not need to lose weight. First, if you aren't as thin as your favorite actor or model, that doesn't mean you need to lose weight. Often, models and actresses are airbrushed in photos to look more toned and they have personal trainers that work with them for hours every day in order to help them stay in shape. If your body weight is normal, you do not need to lose weight, even if you are a pants size bigger than your ideal celebrity.

Your also don't need to lose weight just because you gain it. People gain weight for a number of reasons, and this is especially common during puberty and for the few years after. If you gain weight check out the rest of your body-are you going through a growth spurt in height as well? Also, don't worry about gaining weight when you are lifting at the gym. As you tone your muscles, you will look better, but because muscles are heavier than fat, you may actually gain weight.

Do not let other people's opinion of your looks force you into trying to lose weight.This society we live in is so concerned with outer beauty that they have neglected to see our inner beauty.An example is the X Factor Show with Susan Doyle,when the lady came on stage because she had plain looks and was overweight the judges looked on her with disdain as well as the audience.But when that lady opened her mouth to sing ,society was made to look like what they are ,shallow,foolish and ugly.God made you the way you are do not ever feel because you are overweight you're a lesser human being.Eat healthily and be happy.

by: Marcus Franco

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