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subject: Benefits Of Yoga And Types Of Yoga Poses [print this page]

Everyday people are reporting their wonderful experiences on health benefits of Yoga, the transformation of being, taking you beyond the here and now. In one great session of Yoga, people get to practice a number of things; some Yoga poses (asanas) breathing exercises (pranayama), meditation and chanting. In Yoga you get to learn basic terms like Mudras, Bandhas and Chakras. Best of all, Yoga is fun and soothing while, at the same time, being delectably challenging to beginners.

It seems like a hot new trend, but yoga in fact began more than 3,000 years ago in India. The word yoga is Sanskrit (one of the very old languages of the East). It means to "yoke," or unite, the mind, body, and spirit.

Yoga for kids is an excellent way for a child to exercise and has many other benefits for a child's health. Not every type of yoga can be used as yoga for children though. It must be taken into consideration that children's' bodies are still growing and cannot cope with the strenuous exercises of intense yoga sessions as it can affect both their bodies and minds. There are, however, a number of program created especially for children who utilize the more gentle poses and breathing exercises from a number of special types of yoga . Yoga classes for children can be a very rewarding movement as it can help self-conscious children become more aware of the things they can do.

Benefits of Yoga

Brings down stress and enhances power of relaxation

Boosts physical strength, stamina and flexibility

Bestows greater powers of meditation and self control

Inculcates impulse Control

Helps in rehabilitation of old and new injuries

Intensifies tolerance to soreness and enhancing mental clarity

Boosts functioning of the immune system

Enhances posture and muscle tone

Improves blood movement

Results in healthy, glowing skin

Cleanses and improves overall organ functioning

Bestows peace of mind and a more positive outlook to life

Infuses a sense of equilibrium and internal harmony

Preventive Value

Yoga helps to bring natural order and poise to the neuro-hormones and metabolism in the body.

At the same time, these aerobics improve endocrine metabolism, thus providing you with a preventive shield.

Curative Value

Yogic postures activate the energies that have accumulated and stagnated in the energy pockets of the body - since left inert, these energies create various ailments.

Yogic exercises cleanse your body, mind and awareness by venting toxins from the body.

Types of Yoga Poses:

1.Seated poses Seated poses are useful for practicing breathing exercises and relaxation or meditation techniques. Seated poses are also regularly used as a warm up or as a starting point for other poses. Performing seated poses can help get better your posture and open your hips.

2.Standing poses Standing poses are often used as warm up or as a starting point for other poses. Standing poses are beneficial for intensification your legs, opening your hips and improving your sense of balance.

by: dr. sarkozy mikal

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