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subject: Do You Know How To Spot A Fad Diet? [print this page]

With the obesity epidemic expected to affect over 50% of the planets population, the age of celebrity diets' and fast weight loss progammes' has escalated to dizzying heights. From the cabbage diet to the Hollywood 24 to the Factor 5 diet, every single one of these weight loss fads all claim to help you lose weight fast and experience increased vitality.

How do they work?

Unfortunately not Apart from helping you to experience quickweight loss, 90% ofobese patients have claimed little weight loss reduction of just one to four pounds before hitting a plateau.

More worryingly, once slimmers stopped eating these dietary fad diets they soon regained all the weight they lost.

But are they safe?

Whilst these can help slimmers to witness fast weight losses, almost all of them are not healthy for long term use

Depriving your body of keynutrients needed to ensure your organs is recieve the nutrients they need to work properly, many involve reducing your calorie intake to below 1,000 calories a day - if not less over 50% your recommended daily allowance.

Supported by countless hours in the gym and constant calorie checking, most of these diets run the risk of making you feel weak, tired, unable to focus and more worryingly stop you from functioning properly - All of which are bad for your health.

How can you spot them?

Easier than you imagine...Proclaiming to offer you a fast solution to your weight loss concerns, you can often tell a fad diet by their:

Too good to be true claims

Lack of clinical trials

Elimination of one if not more of the five daily food groups

Recommendations from medical professionals without reviews from other researchers

When a weight loss program or dietary pill, it is essential to deeply study their benefits first before including them into your diet. If there is no medical evidencethat they can produce quality weight loss, then they probably don't work.

Losing weight and staying healthy can be easy but there is a lot of simple mistakes you can do that most people didn't know that actually makes you gain fat or puts your health in danger. If you really want to burn that fat off as fast as possible while still doing it in a natural healthy way you should Click Here to get a FREE video that can help you lose 10 lbs just by following the information in this video!. This video contains EASY & PROVEN fat loss strategies to FINALLY & QUICKLY see stubborn fat come off your body once and for all. So check out this Free Weight Loss Tips Video now.

Do You Know How To Spot A Fad Diet?

By: James Smith

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