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subject: Easy Ways To Gain Weight - Four Simple Ways to Gain Weight to Start Growing Like a Monster! [print this page]

Easy Ways To Gain Weight

Here are four simple ways to gain weight to start growing like a monster:

1. Increase Your Food Portions.

Simplest method is to increase whatever you are eating now. For example, if you are eating three eggs for breakfast everyday, then increase that to four eggs. Do this for every single meal you eat. Start to eat even more after about 2-3 weeks to slowly gain weight without getting fat.

2. Chow Down All Around The Clock.

As a scrawny hardgainer, you need to live your life around food. You need to chow down as soon as you wake up in the morning, then eat every 2-3 hours. You want to separate your meals so instead of eating 3 giant meals per day, you will smaller portions throughout the entire day. This is crucial to gain weight because your metabolism is so fast that your body is working like a furnace. Easy Ways To Gain Weight

3. Use large eating equipment.

Psychology tells us that we tend to eat a lot more when we have bigger servings. In order to have bigger servings, you need large plates and bowls. Go out to buy some giant plates and bowls to help you munch down on giant feasts. This is worth the investment!

4. Do not workout on an empty stomach.

This is very important! Simply chugging a protein shake without any real food will not provide you the energy to exercise. You will feel like a weakling, and you can't gain weight on an empty stomach. You need to eat some small snacks, such as fruits and some whole-wheat bread, prior to working out. Easy Ways To Gain Weight

Easy Ways To Gain Weight - Four Simple Ways to Gain Weight to Start Growing Like a Monster!

By: Muscle Gaining Expert

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