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subject: 9 Ways To Improve Weight Loss & Your Life! [print this page]

Here I'm going to talk about how chossing the right foods can have a big impactin your day to day life and how you will be able to lose weight without feeling hungry.

1. Choose High Satiety Foods

So what does this mean ? Well Satiety is the new word going around by dieticians and nutritionists. Meaning you want to choose the foods with the 'fullness factor', foods that will make you feel good & full up without piling on the calories.

An example of this would be instead of buying pre packaged processed burgers stuffedwith everything but beef, try making your own. It's that simple and trust me so much more rewarding & filling.

2. Eat More Protein

Protein is the most filling and satisfying of all the food groups because it stimulates the production of what's known as 'PPY'. To put this simply it's the 'Im full up' hormone in the brain. It will also empty out of your stomach at a much slower rate, resulting in you being fuller for longer. Great sources of protien are chicken, fish,natural nuts etc..

3. Wetter Is Better

The texture of your food can have a big impact on how it affects you. For example ifyou ate 100 calories worth of boiled potatoes then you would have to eat 400 calories worth of crisps to feel as full. This is purely because of the amount of water in the food. Another example of this would be having normal vegetables wouldnt be as filling as having them pulped and made into soup.

4. Choose A Salad For Starters

Don't be fooled by the appearance of a salad or veggies, they may not look that filling but becuase they contain a lot of water, air and fibre it quickly bulks up in your tummy and this will stop you from binging later on.

5. An Apple A Day

You may have heard this one before.. It's a classic one but a very important one. The thing is when you digest an apple the hormone GLP-1 is produced, again triggering the 'I am full' signals to the brain. An apple consists of about 25% air and around about 60 calories so it's great to cure them hunger pains.

6. Quality, NOT Quantity

Be careful how many different things you have on your plate. It has been proven recently that the more textures and tastes on your plate the less likely your going to feel full up. That said try to make sure half of your plate is full of salad or non starchyvegetables.

7. The Magic Of Olive Oil

Recent studies have found that people living on a mediterranean diet keep there weight away by using olive oil. It contains an oleic acid which helps stall and prevent hunger pains.

8. Go Brown

Wholewheat or brown versions of bread, rice and pasta will also aid satiety. This is simply because they are less processed than the white versions and so take the body longer to digest.

9. Fattening But Not Filling

The brain doesn't register calories in drinks the same it does in food. So this means 'high' calorie drinks will never fill the hunger in between meals. This is because they are so easily digested.

9 Ways To Improve Weight Loss & Your Life!

By: Johnny

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