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subject: Lose Weight without Dieting – 3 Easy Steps to Weight Loss [print this page]

A lot of people are concern about their weight. It is understandable as weight loss is vital for both health and beauty reasons. Nevertheless, losing weight need not be unpleasant or painful. There is no need for starving diet programs to lose weight. In fact, the results of those programs are typically temporary. What you need to do is to practice 3 easy steps that promise long-term weight loss and weight maintenance.

Step 1: exercise regularly

It is without a doubt that you have heard this advice many times but there is no such thing as getting too much of this advice. Make exercising a must. Do it at least 30 minutes a day, five times a week. You will burn fat and increase your basal metabolism rate (the rate at which your body burns calories), and lose weight without dieting.

Perform aerobic workouts such as running, cycling, or swimming to increase your cardio activity. That will help burn the fat off. Also, remember to incorporate muscle/strength training because the more muscle mass you have, the higher your metabolism rate. An example of muscle training would be weight lifting.

Step 2: eat foods that will increase your metabolism

They will help you lose weight without dieting. You should eat more whole grains and fruits and vegetables as they are rich in fiber. Because high fiber foods and complex carbohydrates are harder to break down, your body will use up a lot more caloric energy over a longer time span.

Also, increase your intake of fish like salmon, nuts like almonds and walnuts, olive oil, and flax seed oil that are rich with omega 3 fatty acid and other essential fats.

Other foods that increase your metabolism include calcium from fat-free dairy products or calcium fortified food and green tea. Calcium and the caffeine and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) will increase your metabolism and you can lose weight without dieting by having them in your daily diet.

Besides that, spice up your food with spices like red chilli pepper, black pepper, and ginger that have capsaicin chemical. Spiciness can increase your metabolism.

Step 3: follow the practice of mindful eating for weight loss

Eating mindfully instead of mindlessly involves paying more attention to your eating and drinking habits and being conscious of the thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations that come with the eating/drinking experience.

Basically, when you follow this practice of mindful eating for weight loss, you will be more conscious or aware of when you are full and stop when you are satisfied. You will also be conscious of your emotional needs that may have caused you to overeat and that could help you control your eating and weight. The next time you have your meal, eat your food more slowly, fully embrace the experience without doing other things like surfing the internet or watching TV and notice the difference.

By employing the 3 steps to weight loss exercising right, eating right and eating mindfully you will be able to lose your weight without dieting and maintain a wonderfully happy and healthy lifestyle for the rest of your life!

Lose Weight without Dieting 3 Easy Steps to Weight Loss

By: Serena Symms

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