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subject: Mindful Eating for Weight Loss – A Great Method to Lose Weight [print this page]

The major reason most of us lose control of our weight and health and carry those extra pounds we have is because we are not mindful while we eat. If you multitask while you eat, stuff yourself although you are already full, ignore your hunger when you are hungry, and tell yourself you "live to eat", you are probably in the rut of eating mindlessly unaware of our actions.

To ensure long term weight loss, we need to regain control of our eating and maintain a healthy lifestyle. A great way to do so is to practice mindful eating. The practice of mindful eating has its root in mindfulness meditation which is the practice of being aware of your external and internal environment. Therefore, mindful eating means paying full attention to the whole eating and drinking process as well as being aware of your passing thoughts, your emotions, and physical sensations while engaging in the experience.

Mindful eating has been shown to be a great method to lose weight as you allow yourself to settle into the eating experience when you slow down. Your awareness of your actions and reasons affecting your eating habits is heightened. As your food tingles your senses, you will appreciate its satisfying and nourishing capacity. You start to pay attention to when your body is hungry and satisfied as well as the causes of your mindless eating habits which include the emotional triggers, social pressures, or certain foods. You will value quality over the quantity of food and just be grateful for the whole eating experience.

Now that we know what mindful eating is, how do we apply it in our lives? Here are some examples:

1.Take a few seconds to inhale deeply before you eat and ask yourself how you are feeling.

2.Be aware of your emotion and recognize if it is affecting your food intake, more or less than you should.

3.Take the first few sips of tea or other drinks slowly and mindfully, grateful of their thirst-quenching ability.

4.Avoid doing other things while eating. If you are engaging in other activities like reading while eating, try alternating e.g. read a few pages, then put the book down and take a few bites.

5.Pause eating when your hunger has been satisfied and ask yourself if you want to eat some more because you are really hungry or just out of habit

Lately, we see more and more evidence of the benefits of mindful eating for weight loss as well as for the treatment of binge eating disorders and obesity. Mindful eating is similar to mindfulness meditation as it betters our physical and emotional health as well as allows us to gain a greater sense of balance in life. With that said, by engaging in mindful eating, you are sure to have a healthier and happier life with a greater control of your weight.

Mindful Eating for Weight Loss A Great Method to Lose Weight

By: Serena Symms

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