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subject: Want to Know the Biggest Secret to Weight Loss Ever Revealed? Look No Further: Here It Is [print this page]

There are so many of us struggling with weight loss, whether it is 5, 10 or even 50 pounds. I know personally how tough it is to lose weight and then (the hardest thing in my opinion) to keep it off. The subject of weight loss is a big business. It's all over TV, the Internet, magazines; it seems like everywhere you look someone is trying to sell you some method or product to help you lose weight. They usually describe these as fast, easy, effortless etc. but if you have ever tried you know that losing weight is anything but those three things. I think a more realistic description for weight loss is hard, exhausting and stressful. I am still waiting for the day I'm in line at the grocery store and see a magazine headline that says "A Physically and Emotionally Demanding Weight Loss Method that Takes Tons of Willpower pg. 40." Now that is something that I would read because I know that it's true. If you're as frustrated as I am then you can breathe a sigh of relief because in this article I will tell you how I have figured out the biggest secret to weight loss since humans have started walking upright.

Do you think you're ready to hear the biggest secret to weight loss ever? Are you sitting down? Well the most sought after, highly guarded secret to weight loss ever revealed is - THERE IS NO BIG SECRET. Huh? What? I'm afraid it's true. There is no trick or gimmick, no method that is available to only the rich and famous. Now you're probably asking what about the infomercial I just saw where that lady lost 40 pounds in 3 months? Well next time you see that look down at the bottom of the screen and you will usually see some fine print that says "Results Not Typical" or "When Combined With a Healthy Diet and Exercise" which means the person you see looking so good on your TV probably worked their butt off (literally) to get to where they are. Please don't get discouraged. If you are willing to work hard you too can see infomercial type results, but first there are some things you are going to need.

What does it take to actually achieve your weight loss goals? Well first we should try to understand what it takes to lose weight. It's not complicated and all it really boils down to is consuming fewer calories and burning more. Once you understand this you can focus on what you need to do and not get distracted by some shiny new product or gimmick promising fantastic results with little or no effort.

A successful weight loss program is based on three key ingredients. The first thing you are going to need is Willpower. If you cannot resist that chocolate cake (the chubby Superman's Kryptonite) or don't find a healthier alternative to Friday night pizza, then it is going to be nearly impossible for you to lose weight consistently. I'm not saying you can never have pizza (or whatever happens to be your favorite "junk" food) again, that would be cruel, but it is important to realize the effect these types of foods will have on your body and to limit your consumption of them.

The second thing you are going to need is Determination. You need to stay focused on what you are trying to achieve. When it feels like you are not making any progress and you're ready to throw in the towel, that's when you need to push through and keep going. This usually happens when your weight loss begins to plateau and you are getting frustrated with not seeing the results you were in the beginning. This is a normal part of your weight loss journey and getting past this crucial point is how you're going to become the healthy person you want to be.

The last and, in my opinion, most important thing you will need is Support. This can come from family members, friends, co-workers, or anyone in your life who you think will help keep you on track. Your "support system" will play two important roles: Being there for you when you need help and holding you responsible to meeting your weight loss goals. It may be easier to have more than one person for this, someone who will be that shoulder you need to cry on and someone to be the drill sergeant to keep you in line.

With these three ingredients you are ready to begin your journey to a healthier happier you. I'm sorry if I burst any bubble you may have had about the secret to weight loss but be confident in the fact that with some hard work anyone, including you, can reach his or her ideal weight.

Want to Know the Biggest Secret to Weight Loss Ever Revealed? Look No Further: Here It Is

By: Justin Goodwin

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