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subject: Milan Fashion Week - What's Blue in Giorgio Armani Spring Summer 2011 collection [print this page]

Milan Fashion Week - What's Blue in Giorgio Armani Spring Summer 2011 collection

By using minimal to yards of clothes, Giorgio Armani showed his coming Spring Summer Collection in Milan. Named La Femme Bleue, his entire collection was inspired by the Tuareg people of Saharan North Africa, who generally wear indigo coloured robes around their head. So, don't wonder why a model who has donned an ultra chic dress is also sporting a turban that too in blue.

To beat the heat and feel the nip of air, Armani stressed more on loose outfits. The dresses ranged from glamorous to boho. Armani's signature tapered trousers as usual looked great on ramp and since the colour was indigo it gave it a classy feel. Fitted, ankle-skimming skirts were grace personified. While the smart cut semi-formal jackets just added to the class and style of the show.

Though blue was the dominating hue, buyers or admirers didn't feel blue or bore of the collectizin. If one of the models showed fitted pants, others walked in shimmery long slim attire. And as Tuaregs are basically nomads, Armani didn't miss out the gypsy connection. Armani is known for his neat style, no fuss creations and the structured pret-a-porter, this time too he didn't disappoint. Talking about the accessories it was fun to see them, scarves and stoles were in gems and beads as decorative neck-pieces.

Giorgio Armani didn't only show what's blue? But also that summer doesn't mean only skimpier clothes, comfortable fabrics in full length can work wonders in heat and dust. With his show the Milan Fashion Week came to an end.

Milan Fashion Week - What's Blue in Giorgio Armani Spring Summer 2011 collection

By: Kelly Moore

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