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subject: Why Is Seeing Your Dentist Regularly So Important? [print this page]

Most Americans are aware that the American Dental Association recommends that you see your dentist twice a year for checkups and teeth cleaning. They even recommend visits more frequent than that for some patients.

Going to the dentist is a fear held among many and as a result many people just go once a year, or not at all. Why is going to the dentist twice a year so important?

The first reason to see the dentist so often is to keep your teeth in optimal health. Even though you may brush and floss your teeth two or three times a day, the dental hygienist who cleans your teeth uses more sophisticated tools for a much deeper cleaning.

The cleaning equipment in use at dentists' offices is specifically designed to clean tarter and plaque off of your teeth that cannot be removed by everyday brushing practices.

The dental hygienist can also offer you tips and tricks to help you keep your teeth healthy and will tell the dentist how the cleaning went so that the dentist can address specific issues or concerns with your teeth.

Another important reason to see the dentist on a regular basis is because many tooth and dental problems do not manifest themselves until it is too late to fix them. For instance, if your tooth suddenly becomes very sore, after not visiting a dentist for months or years, chances are the tooth has decayed and will have to be removed or drilled.

This is the case with most dental issues; they often do not manifest themselves to you until they are in a state of irreparable damage. Visiting your dentist twice yearly can help prevent these issues, or stop them before they are out of control.

Dentists may also take x-rays of your teeth and perform minor surgeries in order to prevent more painful and extensive surgeries in the future.

Cavity detection and prevention is also an important part of visiting with your dentist regularly. If you have an untreated cavity it may become infected and the infection can spread to your blood stream causing a serious infection called Septicemia.

It is also a good idea, if possible, to stick with the same dentist each time you make a visit. As you start meeting regularly with your dentist he or she will become more familiar with your mouth and be able to better help you in the prevention of cavities and infections.

Don't forget, just because seeing the dentist twice a year is what is recommended for most people, it is not a magical number. If you have a history of gum disease, or frequent cavities it may be recommended that you go more often.

If this is the case, please do not ignore your dentist's suggestions. Going more often may cost you a little more money and you may have to face your fears a little more often, but it can save you a lot of pain and problems in the future.

by: Jack Landry

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