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Reducing Emissions Through Carbon Trading

If you are in a position to implement change where you work, or perhaps you own your own business, then there are many ways in which you can reduce your carbon emissions. You don"t have to be a carbon expert to work out how to do it either; in many cases it"s simply down to common sense. specialises in helping large and small businesses reduce their carbon emissions by working within the global markets, monetising their emissions. Monetising emissions is arguably the best way to get large industries worldwide to sit up and take notice. Now that they can do something about climate change and make some money in the process they"re very interested. And it"s not surprising when you consider the size of the carbon trading market these days (now worth around $144 billion).

How does it work?

Basically industries and individual businesses are enabled to emit a certain amount of Co2 into the atmosphere, but in order to do so they must purchase the right amount of carbon credits. These credits act as permits that enable them to let these emissions go. However, the carbon credits they purchase will have been traded on the market and will no doubt have come from an industry that is actively trying to reduce their Co2 emissions. By trying to reduce your emissions you put your business in an enviable position on the carbon trading market because you have carbon credits you no longer need and that others are likely to want.
Reducing Emissions Through Carbon Trading

Carbon trading like this allows industries to continue their business but prevents the overall level of pollution rising beyond a controllable level. If one industry reduces their emissions and another buys their carbon credits to add to their total emissions it remains balanced.

Steps taken to reduce emissions and gain carbon credits include:

"Building renewable energy sources such as wind turbines and hydro electric power plants.

"Developing and installing systems that dispose of waste in an environmentally friendly way.

"Using systems that reuse waste as an energy source; for example methane power plants.

"Reforesting areas. Because trees naturally absorb green house gasses this is an excellent way to offset carbon emissions and gain carbon credits.

"Planting forests where there were none originally is an even better way to reduce green house gasses and gain carbon credits because more trees equal less harmful gas.

This is a very small amount of effective ways in which you can offset your carbon emissions. can advise on many other effective ways and also give you excellent advice on getting into the very lucrative carbon trading market.

Contact Carbon Expert today and find out how you could be making money by investing in projects that actively combat climate change.

by: Carbon Expert
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