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subject: Options for Panic Disorder Treatment [print this page]

Panic disorder treatment options come in a number of forms. For medical options, a patient may undergo treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRIs. In treatment through SSRIs, symptoms should improve at a maximum of 12 weeks. If there is no marked improvement in a patient's symptoms even after 12 weeks of SSRI treatment or if this treatment method is not deemed suitable by the patient's physician, then the latter may prescribe a different type of treatment which may involve a different antidepressant. One of these types is tricyclic antidepressants. They work in a similar manner as SSRIs in the sense that they normalize certain chemicals in a patient's brain, particularly serotonin and noradrenaline, which in turn have a positive effect on the patient's mood and feelings.

In the treatment of panic disorders, there are often two kinds of tricyclic antidepressants that are prescribed. They are imipramine and lomipramine. Patients should take a sigh of relief as tricyclic antidepressants are not known to be addictive. In comparison to SSRIs in the area of side effects, tricyclic antidepressants have more known side effects than SSRIs, which is why they are only prescribed after SSRIs have already been explored as an option. Common side effects of taking tricyclic antidepressants include:

blurred vision


difficulty urinating


dry mouth


skin rash


weight gain or weight loss

These side effects are expected to ease up after around seven to at most ten days as the patient's body gets used to the medication. However, a patient should get in touch with his or her physician if the use of these antidepressants becomes troublesome, or if the side effects do not ease up even after 10 days.

Another panic disorder treatment method is the use of beta-blockers. They are a type of medication for managing the symptoms usually associated with anxiety, including trembling and sweating. They work by slowing down the patient's heart rate and the force of the heart. In turn, this results in a reduction of pressure which pumps blood out of the heart and around the body. Beta-blockers also have known side effects which include:

cold hands




Beta-blockers are not allowed to be taken by panic disorder patients who also have diabetes or asthma as this type of treatment may actually worsen the symptoms of the latter conditions. Moreover, they can also interact with other medications, which in turn could also cause additional side effects. A patient should consult his or her physician if he or she is already taking beta-blockers if he or she has plans to take other kinds of medicine. Lastly, if a patient plans to stop taking beta-blockers, he or she must first consult with a physician, as abruptly stopping this medication can lead to further side effects such as angina attacks.

As in any other medication, the best thing to do before taking any panic disorder treatment is for the patient to confer with his or her physician all the options available.

Options for Panic Disorder Treatment

By: Jared D. Ingram

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