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subject: How To Browse Anonymously Online [print this page]

How To Browse Anonymously Online

Now is the perfect time that you have to do all you can in order to become anonymous online. If you do it without any attempt of hiding your IP address While chatting with your pals, exchanging important information, and shopping with your credit cards, then you run the risk of becoming the next victim. You are likely one of the few people who are still exposed to the dangers offered by identity thieves.

Perhaps, you do not recognize how important it is to disguise your real identity online, ie., to hide your IP address. Your

personal information, and confidential bank details are just as precious as your jewelries. If you can not protect these precious items from hackers, then your business would surely be put out to extinction. Not only that, your computer is at a great risk of becoming infected with malware and other potentially dangerous software that could take the life out of it. As long as your IP address remains exposed to privacy invaders, there is an excellent possibility that you might become a victim of a scam.

There is no 100% guarantee of your safety in everything you do online, whether doing some business transactions or shopping online. The only way to address this problem is to most likely take the necessary steps of hiding your location or online identity. The Net has experienced continued assaults from hackers who consistently produce plenty of security problems up until this day. These hackers are experts in identity thief, and they seem to be unbeatable in this wicked act. They get around your antivirus and spyware programs, exposing your computer to some vulnerabilities.

There are a number of tools customers could possibly use in sequence to provide them with all the safety that they need, and these include firewalls, antivirus software, and anti-Trojan programs. They would, no doubt, provide quality security but these security measures are typically not enough. That is why, you have to know a couple of measures that would allow you to browse the Internet safely and anonymously.

Proxy servers are tunnels where you can surf the Web without exposing your IP address to identity thieves. Though sometimes these sites have somewhat questionable credibility and efficiency, they remain one of the best options at your disposal. You have to be ready though in dealing with a lot of ads and banners all the time, which could affect the way you surf the World wide web. There are no fees to be charge if you opt to use one of these servers, but the possibility of being attacked by malware is often present. And besides, these proxy servers are usually slow and they would considerably slow down the speed of your Internet connection.

The second option of hiding your identity is by installing a software on your computer that will hide you from the hackers. It works silently and automatically in the track record, Although providing you with all the security necessary for hiding you from the privacy invaders. Although this is not free, it is nonetheless much better than proxy servers.

by: Patricia Richards

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